ZOU Juan, DAI Jun-sheng, SHANG Lin, et al., 2015. RESEARCH ON CORE FRACTURES: A CASE STUDY FROM THE FUTAI OILFIELD. Journal of Geomechanics, (1): 66-72.
Citation: ZOU Juan, DAI Jun-sheng, SHANG Lin, et al., 2015. RESEARCH ON CORE FRACTURES: A CASE STUDY FROM THE FUTAI OILFIELD. Journal of Geomechanics, (1): 66-72.


More Information
  • Through core observation in Futai oilfield, we describe the geometric characteristics, filling characteristics and mechanical properties to conduct research on various parameters of fractures. The results showed that a great amount of structural fractures was developed in Futai buried hills, which formed two directions. One was NE-SW and NW-SE direction conjugated shear fractures that were dominant, another was nearly E-W. Fractures were mainly vertical ones with the characteristics of E-W shear fractures. The core fracture openings which were mainly half filled with calcite were mainly distributed in 0.6~0.8 mm. Its average volume density was between 5~10 m2/m3, and fractures developed much more in northern part than southern of Futai oilfield.


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