The 5th Editorial Board of the Journal of Geomechanics

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DENG Jun, Ph.D., is a Professor at the China University of Geosciences (Beijing). He is an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering. Additionally, he is a Fellow of the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits and the Chief Scientist of the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program).

Currently, Mr. Deng holds several positions, including Vice Chairman of the Chinese National Committee of the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD), Director of the UNESCO International Center on Global-Scale Geochemistry, and China National Committee Member of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP). He also serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Ore Geology Reviews, Honorary Editor-in-Chief for Geoscience, Editor-in-Chief of Earth Science Frontiers, and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Geomechanics.

His research interests primarily focus on regional metallogeny, ore field structure, and mineral prospecting, particularly on the ancient continental margins and the Tethyan domain in the Jiaodong Peninsula and the Southwest Sanjiang region. Mr. Deng has achieved systematic, innovative results in the theory of composite ore-forming systems, the genesis of gold deposits, and exploration prediction.

As the first/corresponding author, he has published over 130 SCI articles in journals such as Geology, Earth-Science Reviews, and Economic Geology, and has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher by Elsevier and Clarivate Analytics. He has authored four monographs (as the first author) and edited three special issues for international journals. Mr. Deng has been honored with four National Science and Technology Progress Awards (second prize), five first prizes at the provincial and ministerial levels (ranked first), and the 16th Li Siguang Geological Science Research Award.

Executive Editors-in-Chief

WANG Zongxiu

WANG Zongxiu, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Doctoral Supervisor, is the Deputy Director of the Professional Committee of Tectonic Physical Chemistry of the Chinese Geophysical Society and a Member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.

He is mainly engaged in the research of orogenic belt, tectonic deformation, regional geology, tectonic transformation, and conservation of oil and gas. He has undertaken and participated in more than 20 scientific research projects, including 973 Program, National Major Projects, National Key Research and Development Programs, Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, 305 Program, and Projects Funded by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and Sinopec Group (SINOPEC).

He has also conducted systematic studies and achieved innovative results on various topics, including the Xianshuihe fault zone, the deformation model of Songpan–Ganzi detachment mountain chain, Mesozoic intraplate deformation in southern Liaoning, formation and evolution of basin–mountain tectonic framework in eastern Xinjiang, tectonic evolution and metal mineral excavation since the Mesozoic in the East Tianshan Mountains, transformation process of the ancient Eurasian ocean basin in Tianshan Mountains into a continental landmass, tectonic deformation patterns and deformation assemblages in the Bayan Har Mountain region, the multi-layered slip deformation in Huaying mountain–Xuefeng mountain deformation zone and favorable conditions for oil and gas preservation, the effect of shear deformation on reservoir performance of shale gas reservoir, the effect of structural deformation characteristics (structural transformation) on the enrichment and preservation of shale gas, the control of mineralization by Mesozoic tectonic processes in eastern South China, and many more.

Professor WANG has edited one anthology, published 12 monographs and authored over 100 articles. Additionally, he has received two second prizes for Science &Technology Achievement Award from the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, and two second prizes for the Science & Technology Award from the Ministry of Land and Resources. 


ZHANG Shuanhong

ZHANG Shuanhong, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, is now a professor at the Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, and the MNR Key Laboratory of Paleomagnetism and Tectonic Reconstruction. He earned his BSc from Xi’an College of Geology (now Chang’an University) in 1997 and his MSc and Ph.D. from the graduate school of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences in 2000 and 2004, respectively. His research focuses on tectonics, Precambrian LIPs and related mineral resources, paleogeographic reconstructions, and the environmental effects of LIPs.

He has been selected successively for the Program of “Hundred Talents of the Ministry of Land and Resources” in 2007, the first batch of the “Young Geological Talents ”of the China Geological Survey in 2011, the first batch of the “High-level Geological Talents” of the China Geological Survey in 2013, the “Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talents” of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017, and the “Leading Talents in the Training Program for High-level Innovative Talents in Natural Resources (Land Resources, Geological Resources, and Geological Environment Fields)” of the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2017. He won the “Outstanding Young Science and Technology Talents” of the Ministry of Land and Resources in 2011, the “14th Young Geological Science and Technology Award—Golden Hammer Award” of the Geological Society of China in 2014, and the “8th Huang Jiqing Young Geological Science and Technology Award” in 2016. He was funded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2017 and selected for the “National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talents Project” in 2019. He has undertaken one National Natural Science Youth Fund, four General Projects, one Major Project for Young Scientists, one Key International Cooperation Project, one Key Project of the Geological Union Fund, one Key Research and Development Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and one National Geological Survey Project.

He has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Geology, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Earth-Sci. Rev., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., Precambrian Res., Lithos, Fundamental Research, etc., Those papers have been cited over 4600 times. He was awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2017 and has been recognized as one of the Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier from 2020 to 2022.

NameTitleInstitutionResearch Area
Honorary Editorial BoardDU ShiguiAcademician of Chinese Academy of EngineeringNingbo UniversityRock Mechanics,Mainly Concentrated on the Studies of Shear Strength of Slip Surfaces within Rock Mass
HOU ZengqianAcademician of Chinese Academy of SciencesInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesContinental Metallogeny Theory, Mineral Deposit Models, and Exploration Evaluation
KANG YuzhuAcademician of Chinese Academy of EngineeringSinopec Petroleum Exploration and Production Research InstituteMarine Petroleum Generation Theory and Oil and Gas Exploration, Geological Mechanics Theory and Control of Oil Bearing Effects, Unconventional Oil and Gas Theory and Application
LI TingdongAcademician of Chinese Academy of SciencesInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesRegional Geological Studies
PENG JianbingAcademician of Chinese Academy of SciencesChang’an UniversityEngineering Geology and Geological Hazards
SHI YaolinAcademician of Chinese Academy of SciencesUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesGeophysics and Geodynamics
YANG JingsuiAcademician of Chinese Academy of SciencesNanjing UniversityPetrology and Tectonics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Orogenic belts, Systematic studies of ophiolite-type chromite deposits in Tibet and other areas of China, as well as comparative studies of ophiolite chromite deposits globally
YIN YuepingAcademician of Chinese Academy of EngineeringChina Institute for Geo-Environmental Monitoring, China Geological SurveyGeological Hazard Investigation, Monitoring, and Prevention
Associate Editors-in-ChiefCHEN ZhengleProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesOre Field Structure, Structural Geology, and Mineral Deposit Geology
HAN RunshengProfessorKunming University of Science and TechnologyOre Field Structure, Deep Ore Prospecting, and Mineral Deposit Geology
HU JianminProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology and Active Faults, Regional Geology, Precambrian geology, and Antarctic geology
LI BinProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeological Hazards,Geological Engineering, and Rock and Soil Mechanics
LI YingjieProfessorHebei GEO UniversityRegional Geological Survey, Petrology and Tectonics, Igneous Petrology, Basic and Ultrabasic Rocks and Their Mineralization Effects
LIN WeiProfessorInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesStructural Geology, Tectonics, and Geodynamics
SUN ZhimingProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeophysical Exploration and Information Technology, including Tectomagnetism, Environmental Magnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Magnetostratigraphy
TAN ChengxuanProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeostress, Tectonic Stress Field, Geological Hazards, Engineering Geology, and Regional Crustal Stability
TAN JingqiangProfessorCentral South UniversityPetroleum and Natural Gas Geology and Geochemistry, Unconventional Reservoir Transformation and Its Environmental Impacts, Geological Utilization and Storage of CO2, and Other Related Fields
WU ZhonghaiProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesNeotectonics and Active Tectonics, Seismic Geology, Seismic Hazards, Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
ZHANG HuipingProfessorInstitute of Geology, China Earthquake AdministrationNeotectonics, Tectonic Geomorphology, and Active Tectonics
ZHANG JinProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeological Survey, Orogenesis Deformation, Basin Evolution and Deformation, Low-temperature Thermochronology and Regional Geological Evolution, Structural Analysis and Deformation Mechanism, and Geomechanics
ZHANG XujiaoProfessorChina University of Geosciences(Beijing)Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, Neotectonics, Geotourism, and Geological Hazards
ZHANG YongshuangProfessorChina University of Geosciences(Beijing)Geological Engineering, Geological Hazards, Regional Crustal Stability
Members of Editorial BoardCAO ShuyunProfessorChina University of Geosciences(Wuhan)Orogenic Belts, Deep–shallow Geological Processes, Deep Crustal Exposure, Strike-slip Fault Zones, Tectonic Deformation, Metamorphism–tectonics interactions, Fluids, Deep Melting, Rheology, Carbon Cycling, Rheological Weakening Processes, Tectonic–thermal Evolution, and Exhumation Dynamics
CHEN JianpingProfessorChina University of Geosciences(Beijing)Mathematical Geology, Geological Big Data, Mineral Exploration and Ore Deposit Prediction, Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Geosciences
CHEN QunceProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStress Testing Technology, Structural Stress Field, and Reservoir Geomechanics
CHEN WeitaoProfessorChina University of Geosciences(Wuhan)Geological Remote Sensing, Resource and Environmental Remote Sensing, Geological Hazard Remote Ssensing, Geoscience Big Data
CHEN XuanhuaProfessorChinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Geomechanics, Thermochronology, Ore Deposit Geology, Deep Earth Exploration and Deep Earth sciences
Marie-Luce Chevalier(Belgium)ProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesActive Tectonics, Tectonic-geomorphology, Paleoclimate, Cosmogenic Dating, Earthquake Field Investigation
Sabatino Cuomo (Italy)ProfessorSalerno University (Italy)Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Environmental Geotechnics, Landslides
DENG ChenglongProfessorInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPaleomagnetism
DONG YunpengProfessorNorthwest UniversityGeotectonics, Orogeny Tectonics, and Continental Dynamics
FAN TaoyuanProfessorate Senior EngineerChinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeostress, Geodynamics, Geothermal, Numerical simulation
GAO JianfengProfessorInstitute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of SciencesMineral Deposit Geology, Petrology
GUO YingchunProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesPetroleum and Natural Gas Geology, Geological Evaluation of Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum and Natural Gas
GUO ZhaojieProfessorPeking UniversityStructural Geology and Petroleum geology, especially focusing on the Structural Features, Oil and Gas Exploration, and Resource-environment in the western basins of China
HAO QingzhenProfessorInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesQuaternary Paleoclimate, Paleomonsoon, Environmental Magnetism, and Loess
HUANG BaochunProfessorPeking UniversityPaleomagnetism and Its Application
JI Shaocheng (Canada)ProfessorÉcole Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada)Rheology of Earth Materials, Microstructures, Deformation Mechanisms, Rock Physics
JIANG SihongProfessorInstitute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMetallogenesis of Metal Deposits, Regional Metallogenic Regularities, Resource Potential Assessment
JU YiwenProfessorUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesStructural Geology, Basin Analysis, and Energy Geology
LI HaibingProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Active Faults, Tectonic Geomorphology, and Seismic Geology
LI JianhuaProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesTectonic Deformation, Structural Geology
LI SanzhongProfessorOcean University of ChinaMarine Geology, Structural Geology
LI ZhenhongProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Sedimentary Geology, Quaternary Geology, Petroleum Geology
LIU JunlaiProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingStructural Geology, Microstructural Geology, Geotectonics, Ore-Controlling Structures
LIU YongjiangProfessorOcean University of ChinaStructural Geology, Geotectonics, Marine Geodynamics, Basin Structural Evolution, Basin–Mountain Coupling, Rock Rheology
LIU YongqingProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis of Paleozoic to Mesozoic Marine and Terrestrial Environments, Sedimentology
LYU ZhichengProfessorDevelopment Research Center of China Geological SurveyMineral Deposits Geology, Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, Solid Mineral Investigation and Exploration, Prospecting Prediction
MA XiaodongProfessorUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaReservoir Geomechanics, Crustal Stress, Rock Mechanics, Induced Seismicity
MA Xiaogang (USA)Associate ProfessorUniversity of Idaho (USA)Geoinformatics, Data Science, Cyberinfrastructure
MA YinshengProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Petroleum Geology, Active Tectonics, and Geostress
MENG FanliProfessorJilin UniversityMicrobial Rocks, Organic Petrology (source rocks), Volcanic-related Sedimentary Petrology, Hydrothermal Sedimentary Rocks, Shale Gas, Basin-related Sedimentary Facies
NI PeiProfessorNanjing UniversityMineral Deposits Geology, Geological Fluids
QI ShengwenProfessorInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesRock Engineering Geomechanics, Geological Hazards
QIAO YansongProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGlobal Climate and Environmental Change, Neogene Ttectonic Geomorphology Evolution
RAO GangProfessorSouthWest Petroleum UniversityActive Tectonics, Tectonic Geomorphology Evolution, Basin–mountain Structural Deformation
REN ZhikunProfessorInstitute of Geology, China Earthquake AdministrationFine Quantitative Study of Active Tectonics, Quantitative Relationship Between Strong Earthquakes and Geomorphic Evolution, Coseismic Surface Rupture, Fault Slip Rate, Paleoseismology
SHU SiqiSenior EngineerInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMechanics, Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, and Mineral Resources Exploration
SUN FengyueProfessorJilin UniversityMetallic Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Metallogenic Geological Background, and Ore Deposit Prediction
SUN PingProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeological Hazard Mechanism, Slope Stability, Rock and Soil Mechanics, Landslide Risk Assessment
SUN YuewuProfessorJilin UniversityStudy of Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Terrestrial Strata and Paleobotany (Palynology), with Particular Expertise in the Paleovegetation, Paleoclimate, and Paleogeography of Northern China Over the Past 300 Million Years
SUN YujunProfessorChinese Academy of Geological SciencesNumerical Simulation of Geodynamics and Related Geodynamic Issues
TAO ZhigangProfessorChina University of Mining & Technology, BeijingEarly Warning for Landslide Disasters, Control of Large Deformations in Soft Rock Tunnels
TONG HengmaoProfessorChina University of Petroleum, BeijingBasin Structural Analysis, Physical Simulation Experiments, Reservoir Structural Fractures, and Geomechanics
WANG ChenghuProfessorNational Institute of Natural HazardsGeostress, Geomechanics, Geological Hazards, Regional Crustal Stability
WANG GenhouProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingRegional Geology and Related Structural Fields in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, Applied Structural Geology and Ore Field Structures, Active Tectonics and Structural Thermochronology
WANG GuocanProfessorChina University of Geosciences, WuhanStructural Geology, Geotectonics
WANG QinProfessorNanjing UniversityStructural Geology, Rock Physics
WANG TaoProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Regional Geotectonics
WANG WeiProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMineralogy, Petrology, Ore Deposit Geology
WANG WenleiProfessorInstitute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMathematical Geology, Remote Sensing Geology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Spatial Quantitative Analysis, Quantitative Prediction and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, 3D Modeling
WANG XiaoleiProfessorNanjing UniversityPetrology, Precambrian Geology, Tectonic Evolution in South China
WANG YanbinProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesGeochemistry (Isotope Geochronology), Mineral Deposit Geology
WANG YitianProfessorInstitute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesEndogenic Metal Ore Deposit Genesis, Ore Field Structure, Regional Tectonic Evolution and Metallogenic Regularities, Metallogenic Prediction and Mineralization Potential Evaluation, Prospecting Evaluation, Mining Project Assessment
WANG YongProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesQuaternary Geology and Environment
WEI ChunjingProfessorPeking UniversityPetrology, Precambrian Geology
WU HaibinProfessorInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPaleoclimate Change, Vegetation Evolution, and Carbon Cycle Variations
XIAO KeyanProfessorInstitute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMathematical Geology, Mineral Resource Potential Assessment, Ore Deposit Prediction
XU ChongProfessorNational Institute of Natural HazardsGeological Hazards and Engineering Geology, Earthquake-induced Rain-triggered Geological Disasters
XU DeruProfessorEast China University of TechnologyOre Deposit Geology, Tectonic Metallogenesis, Ore Deposit Geochemistry
XU XiweiProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingActive Tectonics, Seismic Geology, Tectonic Stress, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
YAN DanpingProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingRegional Geology, Basin–Mountain Dynamics, Mineral Geology, Petroleum Geology
YAN MaoduProfessorInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesGeology, Paleomagnetism, Tectonics
YAN QuanrenProfessorUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesStructural Geology, Sedimentary Tectonics
YANG ShuxinProfessorNational Institute of Natural HazardsTheoretical Methods of Lithospheric Stress, Techniques for Detecting Earth Stress, Numerical Experiments on Seismic Dynamics
YIN Shunde (Canada)ProfessorUniversity of Waterloo (Canada)Geomechanics, in-siu stress, carbon and hydrogen storage, geothermal energy
ZENG LianboProfessorChina University of Petroleum, BeijingPetroleum and Natural Gas Geology, Reservoir Geomechanics, Structural Geology
ZENG LingsenProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesCrustal Melting Processes and Deep Processes in Orogenic Belts, Petrology, Geochemistry
ZHANG DaProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingRegional Tectonics, Ore Field Structures, Ore Deposit Genesis, Metallogenic Regularities, Mineralization Prediction
ZHANG GuoqingProfessorInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesLake Remote Sensing, Lake Changes, Glacier Lake Changes, Glacier Lake Outburst Floods, Cryosphere Remote Sensing, Cryosphere Hazards
ZHANG HuaiProfessorUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesNumerical Simulation of Geodynamics, Numerical Simulation of Tectonic Evolution, Gravity-Magnetic-Electric-Seismic Inversion, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data
ZHANG JianProfessorThe University of Hong KongStructural Deformation, Evolution of Orogenic Belts, Ductile Shear Zones, Archean Tectonics
ZHANG JianxinProfessorInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesStructural Geology, Tectonics, Metamorphic Geology
ZHANG ZhaochongProfessorChina University of Geosciences BeijingMagmatic Processes and Deep-Seated Processes, Magmatic-Related Metallic Deposits, Volcanology
ZHANG ZuohengProfessorInstitute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesMineral Deposits Geology, Geochemistry, Fluid and Isotope Geochemistry, Resource Exploration and Evaluation
ZHENG LihuiProfessorChina University of Petroleum, BeijingPetroleum Engineering
ZHENG WenjunProfessorSun Yat-sen UniversityStructural Geology, Quaternary Geology, Geological Hazards, Engineering Geology, Applied Geophysics, Seismology, Seismic Geology, Seismic Hazard Prediction, Tectonic Landforms
ZHOU TaofaProfessorHefei University of TechnologyOre Deposit Geology
ZHOU XinProfessorUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaPaleoclimatology, Paleoecology, Climate Change and Human Activities
ZHOU XinguiProfessorOil and Gas Resource Survey Center of China Geological SurveyRegional Tectonics and Basin Analysis, Evolution of Tectonics and Stress Fields, Fault-Controlled Basin and Reservoir Accumulation, Fault Sealability, Reservoir Fractures, Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Facies, Formation of Hydrocarbon Accumulation, Oil and Gas System, Petroleum Accumulation System, New Area Oil and Gas Investigation and Resource Potential Evaluation
ZHU LixinProfessorDevelopment Research Center of China Geological SurveyExploration Geochemistry in Geological, Mineral, Environmental, and other Application Fields

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