ZHU Siyu, CAO Jiawen, FENG Chengjun, et al., 2023. Study on fault-slip potential induced by water injection in the deep thermal reservoir of the Gaoyang low uplift, Hebei Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 220-235. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022093
Citation: LIU S X,FU H Q,FENG X Q,et al.,2024. Fracture network complexity of tight sandstone and its influencing factors[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):563−578 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023128

Fracture network complexity of tight sandstone and its influencing factors

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023128
Funds:  This research is financially supported by the Geological Survey Projects of the China Geological Survey (Grant No. DD20221660) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42277167).
More Information
  •   Objective  Fracture network analysis plays an important role in oil and gas exploration and development. However, complexity analysis of tight sandstone fracture networks and their control factors is relatively lagging. Based on an experimental study of the dynamic evolution of the complex fracture network in tight sandstone, the fractal and multifractal spectral characteristics of the fracture network were defined, and the complexity and main controlling factors of the fracture network were analyzed. Fracture network complexity analysis of tight sandstone plays an important role in hydraulic fracturing optimization, fracture network prediction, and fracture modeling.  Methods  Rock mechanics and X-ray computed tomography scan experiments determined the characteristics of rock mechanics and fracture networks . The microstructure and fracture network fractal characteristics of tight sandstone were quantitatively characterized by SEM and fracture network fractal analysis.  Results  The results showed that the quartz content of tight sandstone ranges from 28.08 to 52.88%, clay content ranges from 11.54 to 25.45%, particle size ranges from 61.18 to 184.55 μm, and porosity ranges from 8.125 to 10.296%. Uniaxial compressive strength ranges from 69.09 to 188.33 MPa, and the elastic modulus ranges from 31.69 to 92.76 GPa. The fractal dimension (DB) ranges from 1.28 to 2.35 and average spectral width (Δα) ranges from 1.0851 to 1.3638.  Conclusion  The initiation and propagation of fractures extend through the entire stress–strain process. The complexity of the fracture network of tight sandstone is mainly controlled by microscopic fabric characteristics, and has obvious confining pressure as well as scale effects. The DB of the three-dimensional fracture network and average Δα of the multifractal spectrum represents the complexity and heterogeneity of the fracture spatial distribution, respectively, and are relatively independent. As the content of quartz, feldspar, and other brittle minerals in sandstone increases, the porosity of the reservoir increases, particle size of the sandstone decreases, DB of the fracture network increases, and average Δα decreases. In the absence of confining pressure, the complexity of the sample fracture network is mainly controlled by the microscopic fabric characteristics, and the complexity increases with increase of axial pressure. When present confining pressure plays a leading role; the higher it is, the lower the DB value, and the higher the mean Δα value. Clay minerals are unconducive to complex fractures formation. The mean values of DB and Δα of small-scale samples are greater than those of large-scale samples. The elastic modulus and compressive strength of sandstone are positively correlated with DB and mean Δα.


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