SUN Ping, WU Shu-ren, 2014. SUMMARY ON THE PREVENTION PROGRESS OF ENGINEERING SLOPE IN HONG KONG. Journal of Geomechanics, 20 (3): 243-253.
Citation: SUN Ping, WU Shu-ren, 2014. SUMMARY ON THE PREVENTION PROGRESS OF ENGINEERING SLOPE IN HONG KONG. Journal of Geomechanics, 20 (3): 243-253.


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  • Due to the special hilly terrain, strongly weathered rock and the seasonal rainfall, landslide occurs frequently in Hong Kong. According to the relevant data collected from Hong Kong civil Engineering development board (CEDD), the GEO Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO), the historical process and the key prevention and control technology of engineering slope in Hong Kong are summarized in this paper, which will be valuable to the relevant prevention and control of slope engineering in mainland China.


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