Volume 23 Issue 1
Feb.  2017
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GAO Yang, LI Bin, FENG Zhen, et al., 2017. GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND GEOLOGICAL DISASTER RESPONSE ANALYSIS. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (1): 65-77.
Citation: GAO Yang, LI Bin, FENG Zhen, et al., 2017. GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND GEOLOGICAL DISASTER RESPONSE ANALYSIS. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (1): 65-77.


More Information
  • Received: 2016-06-26
  • Published: 2017-02-01
  • Since the industrial revolution, due to the global climate change, the world is experiencing global warming in recent decades. The impact of global climate change on extreme weather events (extreme rainfall, high temperatures, strong winds and floods) is particularly strong, and increases the risk of geological disasters. Water cycle and temperature change are the direct factors incuring geological disasters. The rise of temperature leads to the increase of water content in the atmosphere, the glacier permafrost degradation, sea-level rise, and evaporation enhancement. The change of water cycle will lead to changes in the frequency of rainfall, the cycle of precipitation, and the intensity of precipitation. Increasing extreme weather and soil interact lead to the occurrence of different types of geological disasters, which are serious threats to human life. In this paper, the response to geological disasters under global climate change, especially landslide and debris flow disasters, and the mutual relations are reviewed.


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