Volume 23 Issue 5
Oct.  2017
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Citation: LIU Jiamei, WANG Tao, SHI Jusong, et al., 2017. EMERGENCY RAPID ASSESSMENT OF LANDSLIDES INDUCED BY THE JIUZHAIGOU MS 7.0 EARTHQUAKE, SICHUAN, CHINA. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (5): 639-645.


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  • Received: 2017-09-04
  • Published: 2017-10-01
  • Based on the Newmark cumulative displacement model, emergency rapid assessment of earthquake landslides induced by the Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Ms 7.0 earthquake was carried out based on regional topographic and geologic data, combined with near-real-time estimates of ground shaking. The analysis results of seismic landslide displacements show that the medium-high risk zones of coseismic landslide activities are mainly concentrated in the area about 4 km width along the seismogenic fault, with a roughly NW-SE rift direction, especially in the Fengxuetang, Rize, and Ganhaizi town of the meizoseismal area. Comparison between the satellite images acquired before and after this earthquake shows that the most common types of landslides induced by the Jiuzhaigou earthquake are shallow debris flows and small scale of rock falls, and the shallow debris flows are mostly formed by the further expansion of activities of the existing landslides. It shows that the obtained displacements can well reflect the macro distribution of coseismic landslide, but they can't be exerted effectively at local site scale, which can be enhanced through the improvement of large scale of geologic maps and high quality topography data. Results can provide valuable timely reference information on the possible societal effects of earthquake-induced landslides.


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