Volume 22 Issue 3
Sep.  2016
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HE Kai, CHEN Chun-li, FENG Zhen, et al., 2016. A REVIEW ON THE COLLAPSE HAZARDS OF TOWER-SHAPED ROCK. Journal of Geomechanics, 22 (3): 714-724.
Citation: HE Kai, CHEN Chun-li, FENG Zhen, et al., 2016. A REVIEW ON THE COLLAPSE HAZARDS OF TOWER-SHAPED ROCK. Journal of Geomechanics, 22 (3): 714-724.


More Information
  • Received: 2016-04-13
  • Published: 2016-09-01
  • Through systematically sorting out the relative data of the collapse hazards of tower-shaped rock at home and abroad, we summarized three aspects of the tower-shaped rock (the influence factors of formation and stability, failure mode of collapse and application of damage theory) in Yangtze River Economic Belt and surrounding areas. Then we discussed the trend and hotspot issues of the collapse hazards of tower-shaped rock, offering theoretical preparation and reference for the next stages of the geological survey and research.


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