WANG Yu-zhen, WANG Shu-bing, WANG Xi-sheng, et al., 2015. STUDY ON THE GUANZHUANGYU LOESS STRATIGRAPHY IN MANGSHAN, ZHENGZHOU. Journal of Geomechanics, 21 (3): 393-398.
Citation: WANG Yu-zhen, WANG Shu-bing, WANG Xi-sheng, et al., 2015. STUDY ON THE GUANZHUANGYU LOESS STRATIGRAPHY IN MANGSHAN, ZHENGZHOU. Journal of Geomechanics, 21 (3): 393-398.


More Information
  • The thickness of the Guanzhuangyu section in Mangshan is 154.9 m, with the loess-paleosol sequence of S10 and above exposed. The typical malan loess there is coarse grained and uniform with the layer thickness up to 70.125 m, and there is no obvious weakly developed paleosol layer in the middle of this strata. Magnetic stratigraphic measurement indicate that the boundary of B/M is located at the bottom of L8 with the depth of 132.04 m, and the bottom of the profile is not in Jaramillo. Compared with Zhaoxiayu section, it is shown that the heights of the strata below 72 m in both are highly consistent marked by the boundary of B/M, just with different stratigraphic division. However, the magnetic susceptibility values of the stratigraphic unit L1SS1 become apparently higher in Zhaoxiayu section, while there is no obvious change in Guangzhuangyu section. The reason for this phenomenon deserves further research.


  • 致谢: 特别感谢王连捷研究员的指导。
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