Volume 13 Issue 4
Dec.  2007
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QIAO Yan-song, LIU Dong-yan, LI Chao-zhu, et al., 2007. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY OF A LOESS-SOIL SEQUENCE IN THE GARZE AREA, WESTERN SICHUAN. Journal of Geomechanics, 13 (4): 289-296.
Citation: QIAO Yan-song, LIU Dong-yan, LI Chao-zhu, et al., 2007. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY OF A LOESS-SOIL SEQUENCE IN THE GARZE AREA, WESTERN SICHUAN. Journal of Geomechanics, 13 (4): 289-296.


More Information
  • Received: 2007-10-10
  • Published: 2007-12-01
  • The western Sichuan Plateau is located on the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and its climate is mainly controlled by the Indian monsoon and Plateau monsoon.The loesspaleosol sequence distributed widely on the western Sichuan Plateau is among the best continuous records of the Quaternary climate and environment on the margins of the plateau.It records the evolutionary process of the above-mentioned circulation system and its relation to the phased evolution of the QinghaiTibet Plateau and is crucial for understanding the regional environmental response to the uplift of the plateau.A systematic magnetostratigraphic study was conducted on the Garzê-A section in the Garzê area, western Sichuan.The results indicate that the B/M boundary appears at the top of L7 and that the Jaramillo normal polarity subzone of the Matuyama negative polarity zone appears in the lower part of the section.Extrapolation from the paleomagnetic boundary point yields a basal age of ~1.16 Ma for typical eolian deposits of the Garzê-A section.


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