Volume 22 Issue 1
Mar.  2016
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  • Received: 2015-10-22
  • Published: 2016-03-01
  • The sedimentary strata among the late Cenozoic extensional rift basins with direction south-north or northeast records some important information about the uplift process of the Tibet plateau in southern Tibet and neighboring areas. Magneto stratigraphy is an important method to define the formation and evolution of the late Cenozoic basins. In this paper, we combed and analyzed the magnetic strata research results about the Zhada basin, Thakkhola basin in Nepal, Gyirong-Oma basin and Wuyu basin systematically. In southern Tibet and neighboring areas, we found two distinct sedimentary change events in the south-north basins since they emerged by the comparison and analysis on the geological events represented by the paleomagnetic chronological. The first is that all the basins began to receive deposits between 10.6~8.1Ma; and the second is that the basins began to die between 3.5~2Ma continuously. Moreover, the plateau have two obvious climate changes events at about 8Ma and 3Ma respectively by the summary on the climate change. Therefor the sedimentary and climate changes are near simultaneous. Besides, the ages of the Hipparion fossil in the Zhada basin, Gyirong-Oma basin and Datee basin are between 6.5~7Ma, also with nearly simultaneous. We thought that perhaps there were two relative strong uplift stages on the plateau in 10.6~8.1Ma and 3.5~2Ma by contacting with the overall evolution of the Tibet plateau. At the same time, we raised some questions exiting in the research about the magnetic strata of the late Cenozoic basins in the southern Tibet plateau neighboring areas and gave solutions. And, we offered some proposals for future research about magnetic stratigraphy in this region.


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