Volume 24 Issue 2
Apr.  2018
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YANG Zhou, WANG Shubing, JIANG Fuchu, et al., 2018. DISCUSSION ON MANGSHAN LOESS STRATIGRAPHIC DIVISON IN CHINA CENTRAL PLAINS. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (2): 274-282. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.02.029
Citation: YANG Zhou, WANG Shubing, JIANG Fuchu, et al., 2018. DISCUSSION ON MANGSHAN LOESS STRATIGRAPHIC DIVISON IN CHINA CENTRAL PLAINS. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (2): 274-282. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.02.029


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.02.029
More Information
  • Received: 2017-10-25
  • Revised: 2017-12-25
  • Published: 2018-04-01
  • Stratigraphic age and stratigraphic division are basic and pilot work. As the research moves along, stratigraphic division will be re-recognized. The age and division of the loess stratigraphy mainly depend on OSL, 14C, paleomagnetism and magnetic susceptibility. Mangshan is famous for the extremely thick Manlan loess, while there exists different understandings about the stratigraphic division. Early research about Zhaoxiayu section revealed that the thickness of L1 is 98m, with the weakly developed palaeosol L1SS1, and the oldest stratum exposed at the bottom of the section is the palaeosol S10. Later, the early L1 layer was divided into L1, S1 and L2 layers, and the oldest layer at the bottom of the section is the palaeosol S11 layer. Based on detailed paleomagnetic study of B/M boundary, combined with previous dating results, it is believed that the early division of L1 and the confirmation of the oldest stratum are correct, but the position of B/M boundary is mislocated. The late-stage studies are right in the position of B/M boundary but wrong in the confirmation of the oldest stratum, and also it's not appropriate to divide the palaeosol layer L1SS1 of the Malan Loess into S1. The stratigraphic correlation shows that the Mangshan loess include S0-S10 loess-palaeosol sequence, and the B/M boundary is located at the bottom of the loess L8.


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