Volume 23 Issue 6
Dec.  2017
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SHU Jie, BAI Shibiao, CUI Yu, et al., 2017. STUDY ON 26Al EXPOSURE DATING OF FENG'ANSHAN LANDSLIDE IN THE MIDDLE REACHES OF BAILONG RIVER. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (6): 914-922.
Citation: SHU Jie, BAI Shibiao, CUI Yu, et al., 2017. STUDY ON 26Al EXPOSURE DATING OF FENG'ANSHAN LANDSLIDE IN THE MIDDLE REACHES OF BAILONG RIVER. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (6): 914-922.


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  • Received: 2017-05-06
  • Published: 2017-12-01
  • Knowledge about the formation age and reactivation times of paleo-landslide are critical for landslide hazard assessment and management. With the development of AMS technology, cosmogenic nuclide dating method has been effectively applied in determining the formation age of paleo-landslide. In this study, the Feng'anshan landslide, which is located at the middle reaches of Bailong River in Southeast Gansu Province, was taken as the study target. Two rock samples, Fas-2 and Fas-1, were obtained from the landslide scarp and a block below the scarp respectively. Considering the masking factors and erosion rate of the sampling site, we calculated the 26Al age of the landslide by using the method of 26Al exposure dating with the cosmic nuclide. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Two landslide events occurred at about 0.72~0.75 ka and 2.26~2.65 ka respectively. The latter formation age corresponds to the documented year of 186 BC in historical descriptions, when earthquakes induced the landslide. (2) The erosion rate has more impact on the dating results of samples with old ages.


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