Volume 14 Issue 1
Mar.  2008
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GUO Fang-fang, YANG Nong, ZHANG Yue-qiao, et al., 2008. GIS-BASED ANALYSIS OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FACTORS FOR LANDSLIDE HAZARDS. Journal of Geomechanics, 14 (1): 87-96.
Citation: GUO Fang-fang, YANG Nong, ZHANG Yue-qiao, et al., 2008. GIS-BASED ANALYSIS OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FACTORS FOR LANDSLIDE HAZARDS. Journal of Geomechanics, 14 (1): 87-96.


More Information
  • Received: 2008-01-20
  • Published: 2008-03-01
  • Based on SRTM-DEM data and using the ArcGIS platform, the authors have extracted and calculated the elevations, relief amplitudes and slopes of 2319 landslide sites on the eastern margin and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in the Sichuan basin. The correlation between the geomorphological factors and landslide distribution has been preliminarily established. The landslides in the study area occur at sites with specific geomorphological factors and are mainly distributed along the active faults and river valleys. The elevations at which the landslides occur mostly range between 400 and 800 m and between 1400 and 2000 m. The landslides occurring in the two ranges account for 40% and 28% of the total in the study area. The relief amplitudes of the landslides are mainly in the range of 300-600m, and the lan dslides occurring in this relief amplitude range account for 48.68% of the total. The topographic slopes mainly range from 10° to 25°, and the landslides occurring in this slope range accounts for 44.70% of the total. The geomorphological types at these sites are mainly deeply incised V-shaped valleys and mountainous river valleys. In addition, active faults play an important role in controlling the distribution and occurrence of the landslides.


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