Volume 23 Issue 5
Oct.  2017
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  • Received: 2017-03-20
  • Published: 2017-10-01
  • Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway is located in the alpine valley area at the eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Due to the collisions of the India plate and Eurasian plate, regional tectonic deformation is severe. The railway line stretch across the Sichuan-Qinghai and the southern Gansu block, across the Longmenshan fault, Minjiang fault, East Kunlun fault, Diebu-Zhouqu-Bailongjiang fault and other active faults, and the regional tectonic stress field is very complicated. In order to study the in-situ stress distribution law and fault stability of Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway, hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurements were carried out in four boreholes along the railway area, the magnitude and direction of the in-situ stress in different positions are obtained, and the distribution law of stress parameters with depth-variant is established. The results show that in-situ stress presents a good linear relationship with depth-variant, and the horizontal stress is generally higher than the vertical stress within the measurement depth ranges, indicating that the regional stress field is dominated by tectonic horizontal stress. Within 750 m depth, the maximum horizontal principal stress is 25 MPa, belonging to middle-high stress level, and the lateral pressure coefficient decreases slowly with depth. The directions of maximum horizontal principal stresses are different in different tectonic units. The direction of maximum horizontal principal stress is NNE in the southern Gansu block while NW in the Sichuan-Qinghai block. According to Coulomb frictional failure criteria, the stability of the fault in the engineering area is analyzed. The results provide meaningful information for further research on tectonic stress field, fault activity and tunnel construction.


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