Volume 24 Issue 4
Aug.  2018
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Article Contents
FENG Chengjun, QI Bangshen, ZHANG Peng, et al., 2018. CRUSTAL STRESS FIELD AND ITS TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE NEAR THE LONGMENSHAN FAULT BELT, AFTER THE WENCHUAN Ms8.0 EARTHQUAKE. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (4): 439-451. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.046
Citation: FENG Chengjun, QI Bangshen, ZHANG Peng, et al., 2018. CRUSTAL STRESS FIELD AND ITS TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE NEAR THE LONGMENSHAN FAULT BELT, AFTER THE WENCHUAN Ms8.0 EARTHQUAKE. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (4): 439-451. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.046


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.046
More Information
  • Received: 2018-03-20
  • Revised: 2018-05-28
  • Published: 2018-08-01
  • The great Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake of May 12, 2008 occurred on the central segment of the Longmenshan Fault Belt. Stress was released when the earthquake struck and stress field of seismic source and peripheral areas were affected. Due to the spatial difference in rapture mode and intensity of fault in the Wenchuan earthquake, the crustal stress field in the Longmenshan Fault Belt should also show various features after the earthquake. So far, there have been few in-depth analysis and discussion on this scientific problem. In this study, the hydraulic fracturing in situ stress measurement data along the Longmenshan Fault Belt as well as the focal mechanism solutions of the strong aftershocks sequences after the Wenchuan earthquake are collected and analyzed, and the mid-upper crustal tectonic stress field of the Longmenshan Fault Belt is determined. The influences of the Wenchuan earthquake on the crustal tectonic stress field are thoroughly discussed through comparing with the regional tectonic stress before the great earthquake, which provides a scientific reference for understanding the stress adjustment process after the Wenchuan earthquake and the deep structural deformation model of the Longmenshan area on the eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results reveal that some distributional diversity of the crustal tectonic stress field does exist. At the depth of 0~15 km, the maximum principal stress is orientated at NWW near the Yingxiu-Qingchuan segment of the Lonmenshan Fault Belt and the stress state is characterized by TS, whereas, it is NEE with the SS stress regime at the northeastern Qingchuan area. At the depth of 15~25 km, the principal compressive stress is still orientated at NW~NWW with the broad stress state of TT, which is consistent with the regional tectonic stress field before the Wenchuan earthquake. The NWW-trending compression tectonic stress field beneath the middle crust of the Longmenshan Fault Belt further supports the rigid collision tectonic deformation in the Longmenshan area with collision-compression and thrust-nappe structures.


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