Volume 28 Issue 1
Feb.  2022
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CHENG Sanyou, WANG Xi, LI Yongjun, et al., 2022. Comparative study of multi-source remote sensing data for regional geologic mapping at 1: 50, 000 scale in the Hala'alate Mountains, west Junggar. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 143-154. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021035
Citation: CHENG Sanyou, WANG Xi, LI Yongjun, et al., 2022. Comparative study of multi-source remote sensing data for regional geologic mapping at 1: 50, 000 scale in the Hala'alate Mountains, west Junggar. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 143-154. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021035

Comparative study of multi-source remote sensing data for regional geologic mapping at 1: 50, 000 scale in the Hala'alate Mountains, west Junggar

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021035

the Geological Survey Projects of the China Geological Survey DD1212011220619

the Geological Survey Projects of the China Geological Survey DD20190069

the Fundamental Research Fund for Central Universities 300102279105

More Information
  • Received: 2021-04-28
  • Revised: 2021-11-28
  • Regional geological mapping at 1:50, 000 scale was carried out in the Urho area of the Hala'alate Mountains in west Junggar, Xinjiang. Based on field investigation and referring to the regional geological survey and previous research results in recent years, we made a detailed remote sensing interpretation and analysis on the stratigraphic units, small and medium-sized geological bodies (dikes, small rock bodies, craters) and geological structures of the Hala'alate Mountains, and conducted detailed remote sensing field survey verifications. Following findings are revealed by the study results. In the process of making remote sensing image base map, the color space HSV transform fusion method is used to fuse SPOT5 high-precision remote sensing image data and ETM image data, and the fused image maintains the consistency of spectral information; SPOT5 1~4 of PC (principal component) 1, 2 and 3, ETM 1~7 of PC1, 2 and 3, ETM 1~7 of PC 6, 5, and 4 are processed into pseudo color synthetic images, respectively. After principal component transformation, the false color composite image concentrate on the multispectral information useful for regional geological survey and eliminate noise information. It improves the information content and interpretation complexity of remote sensing image base map. The combination of various detailed geological data collected in the field with Quickbird high-precision remote sensing images can accurately and quickly delineate the geological boundary, significantly improving the accuracy of structural and geological body boundary delineation. The results of comprehensive remote sensing interpretation of multi-source remote sensing data well guide the field geological survey work in the Urho area of the Hala'alate mountains in west Junggar, Xinjiang, and high-resolution remote sensing images play a key role in the accurate interpretation of small and medium-sized geological bodies in the geological survey of the region.


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