摘要: 本文对某大型水电枢纽工程场址的构造稳定性条件进行了研究, 详细分析了区域地质构造背景、断层活动性、构造应力场特征以及地震活动性等问题.分析可知候选水电站坝址处于地壳构造活跃区内的一个相对稳定的地块, 断层活动性较弱, 区域构造地质作用相对较弱, 完全可以通过工程措施予以控制, 适宜于开展水利枢纽工程的建设.Abstract: This paper has studied the tectonic stability of a dam site for a large-scale hydroelectric project, and analyzed the regional geological tectonic setting, activity of faults, historical earthquakes, tectonic stress fields of the project area.The analysis indicates that the dam site of the hydroelectric candidate project lies in a relatively stable block of the tectonically active region, where the fault movement is rather weak and so is the regional tectonic movement.Therefore, this site can be controlled by engineering measures and is suitable to the construction of the hydroelectric project.
Key words:
- Kax River fault /
- hydroelectric project /
- tectonic stability /
- activity of fault
图 1 候选坝址地区区域地质简图(据文献[1], 略有修改)
1.全新统; 2.上更新统; 3.上新统:砂岩与砾岩互层; 4.侏罗系中下统:粉砂岩、泥岩、砾岩夹煤线; 5.二叠系上统小山萨依组:砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩; 6.石炭系中统:粗砂岩、砂砾岩、砂质页岩、凝灰岩夹石膏; 7.石炭系下统:中酸性火山碎屑岩、灰岩、砂岩、凝灰质熔岩、安山玢岩等; 8.志留系上统:凝灰质钙质粉砂岩、石英砂岩、泥岩; 9.志留系中统:片理化泥质粉砂岩、硅钙质粉砂泥岩夹砂岩; 10.花岗闪长岩; 11.石英斑岩; 12.石英斑岩; 13.地质界线; 14.不整合界线; 15.实测、推测断层; 16.实测、推测逆掩断层; 17.实测、推测平移断层; 18.候选坝址点
Figure 1. Geological sketch map of the candidate dam site (modified from reference [1])
表 1 北天山西部地区6.0≤M≤8.0级地震一览表
Table 1. Summary of earthquakes with 6.0≤M ≤8.0 in the west of the Northern Tianshan Mountains
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