摘要: 基于北斗导航定位、遥感卫星以及基础地理空间信息承载与综合显示平台而建立的野外地质调查作业管理与安全保障系统,采用组件化、平台化的系统体系结构,具备强大且灵活的可扩展性和可集成性。该系统可实现野外地质调查区域基础遥感影像、GIS和DEM数据等的分层显示、北斗通讯和导航信息的实时显示、通讯历史记录和定位信息的查询、野外地质调查人员的通讯与定位等;同时可实现野外地质调查人员与各级管理部门的互联互通,管理部门对野外作业人员的作业态势、作业进度可进行综合查询,对野外作业人员的外勤安全、遇险救援提供决策支撑。该系统在部分野外地质调查示范单位运行效果良好。Abstract: Based on the Beidou satellite navigation service, remote sensing satellites, as well as the platform of basic geospatial information bearing with integrated displaying, the system of operation management and security safeguard for field geological survey is established. That uses a structure of components and platformwith a powerful and flexible scalability and integration. The hierarchical displays of remote sensing images, GIS and DEM data for field geological survey area, also the query of communication and position, are implemented. At the same time, the interoperability of the personnel about field geological survey and the management departments, the integrated query of the work situation and the progress of the operation, the decision support provided for security and relief, are implemented. Currently, the system has deployed several demonstrational units of field geological survey and gained recognition.
表 1 2011年度野外地质调查作业管理与安全保障系统部署情况统计
Table 1. Deployment statistics of operation management and security safeguard system for field geological survey in 2011
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