摘要: 深海底热液活动是现代海洋地质科学研究的前沿热点, 我国这方面的研究工作刚刚开展, 亟需对现有研究成果进行总结。本文对海底热液活动的调查研究过程和现状进行了回顾, 重点分析了热液喷溢动力过程的理论研究成果, 从实测事件数据的研究成果中找出了影响热液柱的形态和分布的各种因素, 并对热液烟囱和极端温度微生物等海洋学研究热点进行了分析, 为深海热液活动调查和理论研究提供基础。Abstract: Deep seafloor hydrothermal activity is a hot frontier research topic of modern marine geoscience.In China research on this aspect just begins and it is very necessary to summarize the available research results.This paper reviews the history and current state of the study of seafloor hydrothermal activities, with the focus on the analysis of the results of theoretical research on the dynamic process of hydrothermal venting.The authors found various factors that affect the shapes and distribution of hydrothermal plumes from various field measurements of events and analyzed various hot topics of oceanographic research such as hydrothermal black smokers and extreme ophiles, which provides a basis for the investigation and theoretical study of deep-sea hydrothermal activity.
Key words:
- seafloor hydrothermal fluids /
- hydrothermal plume /
- tidal currents /
- extreme ophiles /
- black smoker
图 1 受到科里奥里力影响的热液柱的可能形状[16]
Figure 1. Possible configuration of the hydrothmal plume influenced by Coriolis forces
图 2 大西洋海隆之上的电导度-温度-深度剖面[7]
Figure 2. CTD profile above the Atlantic mound
图 3 极端温度微生物群落分布[27]
Figure 3. Biological community distributions of extreme temperature ophiles
表 2 海水与热液喷口流体特征及化学组成对比[3](热液数据来源于大西洋中脊热液区[8])
Table 2. Comparison of characteristics and chemical compositions between seawater and hydrothermal vent fluids in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean
表 3 大西洋不同深度的盐度和透射率[7]
Table 3. Salinity and transmissivity at different depths in the Atlantic Ocean
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