摘要: 现有资料表明,构造演化、原型盆地叠合改造过程是冀中坳陷深层油气成藏的基本条件和主控因素; 有效烃源岩和油气保存条件是评价和预测不同类型油气成藏区带的两个关键因素; “古生界自生自储型”与“新生古储潜山型”是冀中坳陷深部油气勘探的两个重要领域,具有巨大的油气潜力。Abstract: The tectonic evolution and superimposing-transformation process of prototype basin are the basic conditions and controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation in deep layer of Jizhong depression. Effective hydrocarbon source rocks and preservation conditions of oil and gas are the two key factors for assessment and prediction of different types of hydrocarbon accumulation. The modes of"Paleozoic auto-genous and auto-reserved"and "new bed-generating and old bed-storing buried hill-type"are the most important two potential fields of deep hydrocarbon exploration in Jizhong depression.
图 3 信安镇-苏桥潜山带油气成藏模式图[30]
Figure 3. Model graph of hydrocarbon accumulation in Xin' an-Suqiao buried hill belt
表 1 冀中坳陷盆地结构样式及石油地质条件对比图
Table 1. Comparison of basin structure styles and petroleum geological conditions in Jizhong depression
表 2 冀中坳陷盆地叠合样式与上古生界烃源岩埋藏类型及其评价表
Table 2. Superimposed basin styles, Upper Paleozoic source rock buried types and the evaluation form in Jizhong depression
表 3 冀中坳陷深层生储盖组合类型
Table 3. Deep generation-reservior-cover combinations in Jizhong Depression
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