The Qiangtang Formation,at the pass of the Kunluns,596m in thichness,having a magnetic stratigraphy age of about 2.90-0.65Ma B.P.,is overlain unconformably by the morianes of the Wangkun Glacial stage about 0.65-0.60Ma B.P.and underlain by the out wash gravel of the Jingxian Glacial Stage about 3.00Ma B.P.in age.The
Hipparion sp newly discovered in the Qiangtang Formation was determined to be of 2.08Ma age.Since the habitat of the
Hipparion sp is about at a height of 1000-2000m above sea level,at a latitude of about 32.56°,it is estimated that the East Kunlun Mountains region might have undergone an uplifting at a rate of about 2.3-3.1mm/a and a Northward horizontal movement of about 143 mm/a since Quaternary.Meanwhile,the Xidatan sinistral slip fault in the East Kunlun Mountains has a slip rate of 10mm/a.