The characteristics and geological significance of highdensity methane-bearing inclusions in the Permian Gufeng Formation shale, southern Anhui
摘要: 对皖南地区泾县昌桥剖面的二叠系孤峰组硅质页岩裂缝石英脉中流体包裹体进行了显微激光拉曼光谱测试、热力学温度测定及拉曼光谱图谱解析,观测到了高密度甲烷包裹体。利用甲烷包裹体的拉曼散射峰v1位移2910.6~2911.2 cm-1,计算得到甲烷包裹体密度为0.2295~0.2618 g/cm3,具有高密度甲烷包裹体特征。含甲烷组分的气液两相盐水包裹体均一温度分布在216.8~242.3℃。由于气液两相盐水包裹体与甲烷包裹体是共生的,通过状态方程热力学计算高密度甲烷包裹体在共生气液两相盐水包裹体最小温度216.8℃的捕获压力为76~95 MPa。对甲烷流体包裹体密度和捕获压力的计算,揭示了区域内二叠系孤峰组高演化程度的硅质页岩在地史演化过程中存在高压甲烷流体产出的证据,为开展皖南地区二叠系页岩气勘探评价提供了科学依据。Abstract: Samples of quartz veins were collected from the Permian Gufeng Formation siliceous shale fractures along the Changqiao profile,Jingxian County in southern Anhui. Inclusion composition analysis,thermodynamic temperature measurement,and laser Raman spectroscopy were carried out on the samples,and high-density methane inclusions were detected. The measured displacements of laser Raman scattering peak v1 of the inclusions vary from 2910.6~2911.2 cm-1,and densities of the methane inclusions were calculated as 0.2295~0.2618 g/cm3,indicating characteristics of high-density methane inclusions. The two-phase vapor-liquid brine inclusions coexisting with the methane inclusions have homogenization temperatures ranging from 216.8 ℃ to 242.3 ℃. The combination of methane inclusion composition by laser Raman spectroscopy with the simulation of high-density methane inclusions using the equation of state of supercritical methane system shows that the trapping pressure at 216.8 ℃ was 76~95 MPa. By calculating the density of the high-density methane inclusion and the capture pressure,it reveals the evidence for high-pressure methane yield in the Permian Gufeng Formation highly evolved siliceous shale in geological history,and provides scientific grounds for the exploration and evaluation of Permian shale gas in southern Anhui.
表 1 皖南地区二叠系孤峰组裂缝石英脉甲烷包裹体拉曼位移、密度及捕获压力计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of Raman displacement, density and capture pressure of methane inclusions in fractured quartz veins of the Permian Gufeng Formation in southern Anhui
样号 产出层位 宿主矿物 包裹体类型 拉曼位移峰/
MPaCQ03 孤峰组 裂缝石英脉 甲烷包裹体 2911.0 33.7881 0.2386 216.8 80.9 CQ04 孤峰组 裂缝石英脉 甲烷包裹体 2910.6 39.7498 0.2618 216.8 95.0 CQ05 孤峰组 裂缝石英脉 甲烷包裹体 2911.1 32.9272 0.2345 216.8 78.6 CQ06 孤峰组 裂缝石英脉 甲烷包裹体 2911.2 31.8064 0.2295 216.8 76.0 -
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