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刘雯 邱楠生 马寅生 徐秋晨

刘雯, 邱楠生, 马寅生, 等, 2020. 川西坳陷北部断褶带中二叠统异常流体压力分布特征及成因分析. 地质力学学报, 26 (6): 911-922. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.072
引用本文: 刘雯, 邱楠生, 马寅生, 等, 2020. 川西坳陷北部断褶带中二叠统异常流体压力分布特征及成因分析. 地质力学学报, 26 (6): 911-922. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.072
LIU Wen, QIU Nansheng, MA Yinsheng, et al., 2020. Distribution characteristics and genetic analysis of the abnormal fluid pressure in the middle Permian in the northern fault-fold zone of the western Sichuan Depression. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 911-922. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.072
Citation: LIU Wen, QIU Nansheng, MA Yinsheng, et al., 2020. Distribution characteristics and genetic analysis of the abnormal fluid pressure in the middle Permian in the northern fault-fold zone of the western Sichuan Depression. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 911-922. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.072


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.072

国家自然科学基金项目 4183000106

中国地质科学院基本科研业务费项目 JYYWF20181201


    刘雯(1989-), 女, 博士, 从事油气成藏机理与分布规律、沉积盆地温压场方向研究。E-mail:liuwen0906@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.1

Distribution characteristics and genetic analysis of the abnormal fluid pressure in the middle Permian in the northern fault-fold zone of the western Sichuan Depression

  • 摘要: 含油气盆地中温压场的研究是探明油气成藏机理的核心问题,特别是古压力的恢复对研究油气的运移、聚集甚至储层的成岩、烃类的生成都起着至关重要的作用。文中以现今地层压力为约束,应用盆地模拟法恢复了川西北断褶带中二叠统的压力演化过程,并利用构造挤压应力模型定量分析超压主控因素。恢复结果显示,川西北中二叠统则发育两期超压,特别是侏罗纪—早白垩世末,受构造挤压应力作用超压快速累积,且不同构造单元受挤压应力的影响差别较大。近造山带发育弱超压,晚白垩世之后恢复至常压;远离造山带的褶皱带和前渊带则发育超压—强超压,且受侧向挤压应力的影响,构造抬升后仍然保持超压—强超压的状态。


  • 图  1  川西坳陷北段区域构造图


    Figure  1.  Regional tectonic map of the northern section of the western Sichuan Depression

    图  2  川西坳陷北段综合柱状图

    Figure  2.  Composite columnar section of the lithology in the northern part of the western Sichuan Depression

    图  3  川西坳陷北部断褶带构造单元分布(据王鼐等,2016修改)

    Figure  3.  Distribution of tectonic units in the northern fault-fold zone of the western Sichuan Depression (modified after Wang et al., 2016)

    图  4  川西北地区典型井钻井泥浆压力

    Figure  4.  Drilling mud pressure of typical wells in the northwestern Sichuan Basin

    图  5  川西坳陷北段中二叠统现今压力系数分布

    Figure  5.  Present pressure coefficient of the Mid-Permian in the northern part of the western Sichuan Depression

    图  6  川西北地区压力系数平面分布与油气显示分布图

    Figure  6.  Present pressure coefficients and gas show in the northwestern Sichuan Basin

    图  7  川西北断褶带茅口组剩余压力演化

    Figure  7.  Excess pressure evolution of the Maokou Formation in the northwestern Sichuan Basin

    图  8  不同主控因素对L4井茅口组剩余压力的贡献量

    Figure  8.  Contribution of main control factors to excess pressure in the Well L4 of the Maokou Formation

    表  1  中二叠统实测压力

    Table  1.   DST data of the Mid-Permian

    井号 层位 产层中部
    ST1 茅口组 6961.5 122.8 1.80
    栖霞组 7175.0 95.6 1.36
    L004-x1 茅口组 6156.0 127.9 2.12
    L16 茅口组 5931.0 127.9 2.20
    L17 栖霞组 5950.0 131.1 2.25
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    表  2  构造挤压应力对川西北地区地层压力的贡献量

    Table  2.   Contribution of tectonic compressive stress to the formation pressure in the northwestern Sichuan Basin

    时间 平均构造应力/
    泊松比 超压
    印支运动晚幕 19.5 5 2.66 0.22 92 17.99
    燕山运动早-中幕 60.9 3.5 2.66 0.22 94 57.52
    燕山运动晚幕 32.8 3 2.66 0.22 95 32.23
    喜山运动早幕 36.5 2.5 2.66 0.22 96 35.03
    喜山运动晚幕 41.5 2.1 2.66 0.22 97 40.09
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    表  3  川西北地区中二叠统温度降低量及其引起的压力下降幅度

    Table  3.   Pressure reduction caused by temperature reduction in the Mid-Permian in the northwestern Sichuan Basin

    井名 ΔT/℃ ΔPt/MPa Ph/MPa P0/MPa Pmax/MPa ΔP/MPa
    GJ 57.7 62.1 72.7 108.5 149.9 41.4
    L4 60.4 64.9 61.1 93.8 126.5 32.7
    B1 57.1 61.5 55.6 71.7 105.0 33.3
    S1 76.3 82.1 61.0 78.9 138.7 59.8
    K3 66.5 71.6 35.9 34.9 69.6 34.7
    注:ΔT=最高古地温-现今温度;ΔPtT×1.076 MPa/℃ (刘一锋等,2015);Ph为静水压力;P0为现今压力;Pmax为盆地模拟得到最大古压力;ΔP=Pmax-P0
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