摘要: 1996年3月-1997年4月间,新疆伽师西部相继发生6.9级强震与由7次6-6.6级子震所构成的强震群。历史上伽师及邻区曾发生多次强烈地震,导致伽师及邻区包括塔里木盆地周缘地震强烈活动的原因,是印度岩石圈块体快速北向运动造成的SN向强烈挤压与欧亚岩石圈块体缓慢向西运动所引起的左旋走滑的联合作用及其相关的现今不同方向、不同性质的断裂活动。区域性EW向盆缘活动断裂控制盆缘大型地震活动带的空间展布,盆缘EW向主干活动断裂与其他方向次级活动断裂的交叉复合部位是强烈地震发震的有利部位。伽师强震群子震震中分布受塔里木盆地西缘近SN-NNW向隐伏深断裂及其与EW向盆缘活动断裂的复合所控制。伽师强震群发生之后,在原强震群震中处发生7级以上更大地震的可能性很小;但由于塔里木盆地及其周缘,自1996年起已进入一个新的地震活跃期,在伽师附近及其南侧或东侧,近年内发生6-7级以上强烈地震的可能性较大。Abstract: A major shock of M=6.9 followed by a swarm of strong after-shocks of magnitude between 6 and 7 occurred in the west of Jiashi County of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from March 1996 through April of 1997 at the west margin of the Tarim Basin. And historical strong earthquakes had been located in Jiashi and the vicinity before 1990s. The strong seismic activity around the Tarim Basin including Jiashi County is mainly caused by the convergence of the fast northward lithospheric motion of India-Australia plate and the slow westward lithospheric motion of Eurasia plate and the resulting N-S compression, sinistral strike-slipping and faulting of different properties. The regional E-W-trending active marginal faults surrounding the Tarim Basin control the distribution of marginal seismic zones. The strong earthquakes are most likely to occur where the regional E-W trending faults meet the minor NS-NNW, NW and NE-trending faults as exampled by the Jiashi swarm. Although there is little possibility for large earthquake to take place between epicentral areas of the Jiashi earthquake swarm in the near future, occurrences of earthquakes with magnitude between 6 and 7 can not be precluded in the east and south adjoining regions in recent years.
Key words:
- earthquake /
- active fault /
- tectonic controlling seismicity /
- Jiashi
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