Volume 15 Issue 2
Jun.  2009
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  • Received: 2009-04-27
  • Published: 2009-06-01
  • Shennongjia is located in the eastern part of Dabashan foreland arc-shaped structural belt. With the Yangri fault as a boundary, this region can be divided into the northern and southern parts. The northern part is characterized by W-E trending basement-involved detachment and cover folding, with the Palaeozoic cover closely folded. The southern part, named Shennongjia basement uplift, has different deformation features in the periphery, with deformation weak in northern margin but strong in the eastern one. As to this uplift, there are skirt-like fold structures in its western and southern margins, and the southern ones were characterized by fold hinge with large plunge angle. From the field analysis of fault kinematics and paleo-tectonic stress inversion from slip vectors, we can see that the region was mainly controlled by S - N compression stress field, but the stress field of the eastern margin was changed into NW -SE because of the compression from Shennongjia and Huangling uplift. Regional structural analysis and comparison showed that the eastern part of Dabashan foreland structural belt experienced Indosian primary formation stage and Yanshan final formation stage, and the Shennongjia basement uplift played a role of restriction in the formation of Dabashan foreland arc-shaped structural belt. The research on the deformation of Shennongjia has great significance to understanding the formation and evolution of the Dabashan foreland arc-shaped structural belt.


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