Fenghuangshan silver deposit is located in a fault zone which occures along the nortern limb of Xiomingshan fold belonging to Damingshan anticlinoyinm. In the mine area, faults are dominant structures in comparsion with folds and there are three group of faults, WNW-ESE or EW, NE-SW and SN-oriented, among which the first group are the most important and the third group are rare. Joints numerously occurred and can be divided into six groups according to their trends. The area underwent complicated deformation events, which are:(1) NS-oriented compressions in Caledonian and Hercynian(perhaps Indo-China) movement; (2) NW-SE-oriented compression in Yanshan (perhaps Indo-China) movement and;(3) nearly EW and NE-SN oriented compression in Himalaya movement.