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何宏平 王珩 李旭锐 马灵涯 朱建喜 杨武斌

何宏平,王珩,李旭锐,等,2024. 风化壳型稀土矿床中稀土元素的活化与迁移[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):707−722 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024070
引用本文: 何宏平,王珩,李旭锐,等,2024. 风化壳型稀土矿床中稀土元素的活化与迁移[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):707−722 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024070
HE H P,WANG H,LI X R,et al.,2024. Remobilization and transferring of rare earth elements in the formation of regolith-hosted REE deposits[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):707−722 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024070
Citation: HE H P,WANG H,LI X R,et al.,2024. Remobilization and transferring of rare earth elements in the formation of regolith-hosted REE deposits[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):707−722 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024070


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024070
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41921003,41773113,42022012);广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目(2019B030302013);国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFC2901701)


  • 中图分类号: P57;P61

Remobilization and transferring of rare earth elements in the formation of regolith-hosted REE deposits

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 41921003, 41773113, and 42022012), the Guangdong Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research (Grant No. 2019B030302013), and National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFC2901701).
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    Author Bio:

    何宏平,中国科学院院士,研究员,博士生导师。2023年获第十八次李四光地质科学奖科研奖。现任中国科学院广州地球化学研究所所长。曾在法国国家应用科学学院(INSA-Lyon)从事博士后研究工作,并以访问学者身份访学于澳大利亚等国的知名研究机构;任Clays Clay Miner.、Clay Miner.、GSA Bulletin等国际主流期刊副主编。主要研究领域为黏土矿物学、矿物晶体化学、表生成矿、矿物资源利用;已发表SCI论文300多篇,SCI他引15000余次(H-index为70),获国家发明专利51件,出版专著2部,入选科睿唯安地学领域全球高被引学者。曾获国际黏土学会杰出成就奖(AIPEA Medal)、美国黏土学会Jackson奖、中–法科学与应用基金会首届Gilles Kahn奖、广东省自然科学一等奖2项、南粤百杰、金锤奖等荣誉和奖励。任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会副理事长,国际黏土学会矿物命名委员会委员,美国黏土学会奖励委员会委员和矿物命名委员会委员,美国矿物学会会士

  • 摘要: 稀土元素(REE)广泛应用于新能源、国防军工等高科技产业中,是一类战略性关键矿产资源。风化壳型稀土矿床是中国最具竞争优势的稀土资源,其供应了全球90%以上的重稀土。阐明这类稀土矿床的成矿机制,可为寻找和高效开采利用该类稀土资源提供理论支持。文章以稀土元素的活化和迁移这两个关键过程为切入点,总结近年来取得的最新研究成果,并对未来的研究方向提出展望。该类矿床主要发育于富稀土花岗岩类的风化壳中,其中稀土配分模式主要受基岩控制。花岗岩类风化壳的形成以化学风化和生物风化作用为主。长石、云母和角闪石等主要造岩矿物风化形成的黏土矿物和铁锰氧化物是该类矿床中离子态稀土的主要赋存载体。而离子态稀土则来源于基岩中易风化和中等抗风化(含)稀土副矿物的风化和分解。此外,微生物分泌的有机酸等代谢产物可以促进难风化的独居石和磷钇矿等副矿物的风化和分解,加速稀土元素活化−迁移。与此同时,微生物作用还会导致轻稀土和重稀土的显著分异,其中革兰氏阳性细菌对重稀土的选择性显著高于轻稀土。在风化淋积过程中,稀土元素的络合离子可能是风化壳中稀土迁移的主要形式,主要受pH值、次生矿物形成和络合环境影响。值得注意的是,除了F和${\mathrm{CO}}_3^{2-} $等无机配体,有机质也可以直接与稀土离子络合或螯合,充当有机配体促进稀土的运移。因此,风化壳型稀土矿床中稀土元素的活化和迁移机制主要受化学风化和生物风化过程控制,是无机和有机共同作用的结果,但其对该类矿床形成的贡献尚待定量评估。


  • 图  1  华南地区风化壳型稀土矿床分布图(据Li et al., 2019修改)

    Figure  1.  The distribution of regolith-hosted rare earth element (REE) deposits in South China (modified from Li et al., 2019)

    图  2  华南风化壳剖面及其REE分布特征(据王登红等,2013修改)


    Figure  2.  Profile and rare earth element (REE) distribution of the weathering crusts in South China (modified from Wang et al., 2013)

    (a) Aopsoil; (b) Completely weathered horizon; (c) Semi-weathered horizon; (d) Bedrock

    图  3  江西大埠弱风化花岗岩中造岩矿物风化的背散射电子(BSE)图像


    Figure  3.  Backscattered electron (BSE) images of the weathering of rock-forming minerals in the Dabu weakly weathered granites, Jiangxi Province

    (a) Albite is partly weathered to kaolinite; (b) Residual albite after weathering; (c) Biotite is weathered to kaolinite; (d) Muscovite is partly weathered to kaolinite

    图  4  广东仁居风化壳型轻稀土矿床中不同层位的褐帘石、榍石和磷灰石风化的BSE图像


    Figure  4.  Backscattered electronic (BSE) images of the weathering of allanite, titanite and apatite in the profiles of the Renju regolith-hosted light rare earth element (LREE) deposit, Guangdong Province

    (a) The etch holes filled by bastnaesite in allanite in weakly weathered bedrock; (b) Fragments of allanite weathering in the lower part of the semi-weathered horizon; (c) Weathering fractures and etch pits of titanite in the lower part of the semi-weathered horizon; (d) The disintegration of titanite in the upper part of the semi-weathered horizon; (e) The etch pits of apatite in the upper part of the semi-weathered horizon; (f) Massive etch pits of apatite in the lower part of the completely weathered horizon

    图  5  江西大埠风化壳型重稀土矿床中石榴子石风化的BSE图像


    Figure  5.  Backscattered electronic (BSE) images of the weathering of garnet in the Dabu regolith-hosted heavy rare earth element (HREE) deposit, Jiangxi Province

    (a) Garnet weathering along the grain boundaries and fractures to form kaolinite in weakly weathered bedrock; (b) Garnet weathering at the fractures to form kaolinite in weakly weathered bedrock; (c) Weathering etch holes in garnet from the lower part of the completely weathered horizon; (d) Massive etch holes in garnet from the upper part of the completely weathered horizon

    图  6  不同细菌在30天内对稀土元素的浸出量(据He et al., 2023修改)

    Figure  6.  The contents of rare earth element (REE) leached by different bacteria in 30 days (modified from He et al., 2023)

    图  7  微生物附着在矿物表面并留下溶蚀痕迹


    Figure  7.  Microbial adhesion to mineral surfaces forms dissolution traces

    (a) Fungal hypha in mineral fractures; (b) Dissolution traces caused by fungal hyphae on mineral surfaces; (c) Bacteria adhering to mineral surfaces; (d) Extracellular secretions secreted by bacteria on mineral surfaces. (a–d) are secondary electron images.

    图  8  风化过程中微生物活化−富集稀土元素机理图

    Figure  8.  Mechanism diagram of microbial rare earth element (REE) activation and enrichment during weathering

    图  9  广东仁居风化壳型轻稀土矿床中次生矿物的BSE图像


    Figure  9.  BSE images of the secondary minerals in the Renju regolith-hosted light rare earth element (LREE) deposit, Guangdong Province

    (a) Cerianite associated with kaolinite in topsoil; (b) Cerianite aggregates in topsoil; (c) Churchite in the completely weathered horizon; (d) Fe−Mn (hydr) oxides in the completely weathered horizon

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