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周明岭,孙亮亮,吕军阳,等,2024. 焦家式金矿勘查与研究[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):747−767 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024061
引用本文: 周明岭,孙亮亮,吕军阳,等,2024. 焦家式金矿勘查与研究[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):747−767 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024061
ZHOU M L,SUN L L,LYU J Y,et al.,2024. Exploration and scientific research of the Jiaojia-type gold deposit[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):747−767 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024061
Citation: ZHOU M L,SUN L L,LYU J Y,et al.,2024. Exploration and scientific research of the Jiaojia-type gold deposit[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):747−767 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024061


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024061


  • 中图分类号: P61;P624

Exploration and scientific research of the Jiaojia-type gold deposit

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  • 摘要: 焦家式金矿是20世纪60年代山东地质工作者在胶东西北部发现的金矿类型,其产出受区域性构造破碎带控制,成矿期普遍发生黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,成矿特征是规模大、蚀变分带明显、矿化集中、矿体形态简单、品位相对均匀、矿物组合简单。从发现到确立金矿类型经历了12年的勘查研究历程,在此之后得以迅速推广,并在胶东及全国多地取得了丰硕的找矿成果。21世纪以来,胶东地区焦家式金矿深部勘查成果不断涌现。截至2020年,累计提交金资源储量3617.12 t,助推胶东地区成为世界第三大金矿集区,中国黄金储量跃居世界第二。同时,对焦家式金矿的研究工作也取得了长足进展:成矿时代被精确限定在126~120 Ma;金矿形成于区域强烈伸展背景下,成矿物质来源具有多源性,太古代拉斑玄武岩为含金初始矿源岩;将成矿过程精细划分为4个阶段,并提出“热隆−伸展”成矿理论和“阶梯式”成矿模式;成矿深度为5~10 km,成矿后剥蚀厚度为5.2±1.2 km,矿床保存较好;胶西北地区三山岛、焦家和招平三大成矿带5000 m以浅预测金资源总量为7258~10150 t,显示出焦家式金矿深部巨大的找矿潜力。从浅部到深部不同勘查阶段总结出一套关键勘查技术组合。这些研究成果丰富完善了焦家式金矿成矿理论体系,使得成矿预测更加准确可靠,有力指导了胶东地区金矿勘查。


  • 图  1  胶东地区区域地质图及金矿分布图


    Figure  1.  Regional geological map and distribution of gold deposits in the Jiaodong area

    图  2  胶东西北部地区焦家式金矿控矿断裂组合示意图


    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the ore-controlling fault pattern in the northwest Jiaodong area

    图  3  焦家式金矿构造−蚀变−矿化分带模式(据李士先等,2007修改)

    Figure  3.  Structure-alteration-mineralization zoning model of the Jiaojia-type gold deposit (modified by Li et al.,2007

    图  4  胶东各类型金矿吨位−品位图


    Figure  4.  Tonnage-grade diagram of various gold deposit types in the Jiaodong area

    Note: Other gold deposites include quartz vein, quartz vein-alteration and porphyry.

    图  5  焦家式金矿床典型类型金矿石照片


    Figure  5.  Typical gold ore photograph of the Jiaojia-type gold deposit

    (a、b) Disseminated pyrite sericite cataclastic type; (c、d) Disseminated-veined-reticulated porphyritic sericite granitic cataclastic type;(e、f) Veined-reticulated pyritic sericitization granite type

    图  6  胶东金矿区域成矿模式图(据宋明春等,2014b修改)

    Figure  6.  Regional metallogenetic model of the Jiaodong gold deposit (modified by Song et al.,2014b)

    图  7  台上−水旺庄金矿床地质勘查模型

    Figure  7.  Geological exploration model of the Taishang-Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit

    图  8  三山岛−焦家金矿田重磁联合反演模拟计算的地质剖面图(据曹春国等,2012修改)

    Figure  8.  Geological profile of the combined gravity and magnetic inversion simulation of the Sanshandao-Jiaojia gold field (modified by Cao et al.,2012

    图  9  焦家式金矿典型矿床矿化富集规律及成矿预测图

    Figure  9.  Mineralization enrichment regularity and metallogenic prediction of the typical Jiaojia-type gold deposit

    图  10  浅部勘查阶段各成矿带提交金资源储量和查明矿床数量及其占比


    Figure  10.  Ratio of submitted gold resources and quantity of identified deposits in each metallogenic belt during the shallow exploration stage

    (a) Gold resource reserves; (b) Proportion of deposits

    图  11  深部勘查阶段各成矿带提交金资源储量和查明矿床数量及其占比


    Figure  11.  Ratio of submitted gold resources and quantity of identified deposits in each metallogenic belt during the deep exploration stage

    (a) Gold resource reserves; (b) Proportion of deposits

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