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支东明 谢安 杨帆 马强 何昌松 苟红光

支东明,谢安,杨帆,等,2024. 准噶尔盆地东部二叠系富烃凹陷全油气系统勘探前景[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):781−794 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024029
引用本文: 支东明,谢安,杨帆,等,2024. 准噶尔盆地东部二叠系富烃凹陷全油气系统勘探前景[J]. 地质力学学报,30(5):781−794 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024029
ZHI D M,XIE A,YANG F,et al.,2024. Exploration prospects of the whole oil and gas system in the Permian hydrocarbon depressions in the Eastern Junggar Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):781−794 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024029
Citation: ZHI D M,XIE A,YANG F,et al.,2024. Exploration prospects of the whole oil and gas system in the Permian hydrocarbon depressions in the Eastern Junggar Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(5):781−794 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024029


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024029
基金项目: 新疆维吾尔自治区“天山英才”科技创新领军人才支持项目(2022TSYCLJ0070)


  • 中图分类号: TE122.1

Exploration prospects of the whole oil and gas system in the Permian hydrocarbon depressions in the Eastern Junggar Basin

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region "Tianshan Talents" Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Talent Support Project (Grant No. 2022TSYCLJ0070).
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  • 摘要: 准噶尔盆地东部地区包含多个残余富烃凹陷,其中吉木萨尔凹陷自斜坡区到凹陷区发现了常规油、致密油、页岩油等多类型油藏,展现出常规−非常规有序共生、全油气系统成藏的特点。为了探索准东地区其他富烃凹陷油气成藏规律和勘探潜力,对二叠系烃源岩开展系统评价、沉积相研究、储层特征分析和油气成藏研究。结果表明:准东地区中二叠统发育咸水湖相优质烃源岩,吉南、吉木萨尔、石树沟三个凹陷烃源岩规模大、品质最好,已达到成熟演化阶段;二叠系富烃凹陷周缘的继承性古隆起长期提供物源,凹陷区发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、咸化湖沉积,有序形成砂砾岩、云质砂岩、云质泥岩等,具有全粒序成储特点;从盆缘到凹陷区发育构造岩性常规油气藏、致密油气和页岩油气聚集,具有全类型成藏、全油气系统发育模式。根据成藏综合评价和勘探程度优选有利区带,在全油气系统成藏模式指导下,优选石树沟凹陷南斜坡、吉南凹陷芦草沟组作为准东地区未来探索的重要勘探区带。


  • 图  1  准东地区构造单元划分图

    Figure  1.  Structural unit map of the Eastern Junggar Basin

    图  2  准东地区岩性柱状图

    Figure  2.  Lithologic column of the Eastern Junggar Basin

    图  3  准东地区南北向构造演化剖面(剖面位置见图1 A-A’)


    Figure  3.  North−south tectonic evolution profile of the Eastern Junggar Basin

    (a) Early Carboniferous tectonic profile; (b) Late carboniferous tectonic profile; (c) Early Permian tectonic profile; (d) Middle Permian tectonic profile; (e) Late Permian tectonic profile; (f) Triassic tectonic profile; (g) Early and Middle Jurassic tectonic profile ; (h) Middle and Late Jurassic tectonic profile; (i) Cretaceous tectonic profile; (j) Paleogene tectonic profile;(k) Nowadays

    图  4  准东地区不同凹陷二叠系烃源岩岩性对比图

    Figure  4.  Lithology correlation map of Permian source rocks in different depressions in the Eastern Junggar Basin

    图  5  准东地区中二叠统烃源岩厚度图

    Figure  5.  Middle Permian source rock thickness map of the Eastern Junggar Basin

    图  6  准东地区二叠系烃源岩成熟度图

    Figure  6.  Permian source rock maturity chart for the Eastern Junggar Basin

    (a) Characteristics of sterane maturity parameters of source rock C29; (b) Relationship between source rock depth and RO

    图  7  吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系岩心单偏光铸体微观照片

    a—吉2801,P2l,3055.01 m,含碳酸盐粉砂岩,构造−溶蚀缝;b—吉2801,P2l,3056.62 m,云质粉砂岩,构造缝、溶孔;c—吉3301,P2l,3546.38 m,晶屑岩屑细粒凝灰岩,溶孔;d—吉3801,P2l,2685.06 m,凝灰质含灰砾质砂岩,构造缝、贴粒缝;e—吉3801,P2l,2695.38 m,含砾粗粒岩屑砂岩,构造缝、贴粒缝;f—吉新2,P2 jj,4592.47 m,细粒长石岩屑砂岩,粒间孔;g—吉新4,P2 jj,4526.82 m,粗中粒岩屑砂岩,粒间孔;h—吉1901,P3wt,2117.54 m,中粗粒岩屑砂岩,粒间孔、粒内溶孔;i—吉1901,P3wt,2117.73 m,不等粒岩屑砂岩,粒间孔、粒内溶孔、构造缝

    Figure  7.  Photomicrographs of Permian core in the Jimusaer Depression

    (a) Ji 2801, P2l, 3055.01 m, carbonate siltstone, structure-corrosion fracture; (b) Ji 2801, P2l, 3056.62 m, clouded siltstone, structural fractures, solution pores; (c) Ji 3301, P2l, 3546.38 m, crystalline debris fine grained tuff, solution pore; (d)Ji 3801, P2l, 2685.06m, tuffaceous gravelly sandstone, structural fracture, granular fracture; (e) Ji 3801, P2l, 2695.38 m, coarse-grained lithic sandstone with gravel, structural fracture and plastered fracture; (f) Jixin 2, P2 jj, 4592.47 m, fine-grained feldspar lithic sandstone, intergranular pore; (g) Jixin 4, P2 jj, 4526.82 m, coarse and medium-grained lithic sandstone, intergranular pores; (h) Ji 1901, P3wt, 2117.54 m, medium coarse-grained lithic sandstone, intergranular pore, intra granular pore; (i)Ji 1901, P3wt, 2117.73 m, unequal grained lithic sandstone, intergranular pores, intra granular pores, structural fractures

    图  8  吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系全油气系统成藏模式(剖面位置见图1 B-B’)

    Figure  8.  Hydrocarbon accumulation model of Permian whole oil and gas system in the Jimusaer Depression

    图  9  吉南凹陷−吉木萨尔凹陷−石树沟凹陷近南北向地震地质解释剖面(剖面位置见图1 C-C’)

    Figure  9.  Seismic geological interpretation section of the Jinan−Jimusaer−Shishugou Depressions

    图  10  石树沟−吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组综合评价图

    Figure  10.  Comprehensive evaluation map of the Lusaogou Formation in the Shishugou-Jimusaer Depression

    表  1  准东地区将军庙地层小区和吉木萨尔地层小区二叠系对比关系

    Table  1.   Correlation of Permian system between the Jiangjunmiao community and the Jimusaer community in the Eastern Junggar Basin

    将军庙地层小区 吉木萨尔地层小区
    下仓房沟群P3ch 梧桐沟组P3wt 下仓房沟群P3ch 梧桐沟组P3wt
    泉子街组P3q 泉子街组P3q
    上芨芨槽群P2 jj 平地泉组P2 p 红雁池组P2h
    将军庙组P2 j 井井子沟组P2 j
    下芨芨槽群P1 jj 金沟组P1 j 塔什库拉组P1t
    下载: 导出CSV
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