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王冠民 祝新怡 刘海 陈帅 石晓明 胡津

王冠民,祝新怡,刘海,等,2024. 沉积微相在致密砂岩可压裂性分析中的应用:以鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组7段为例[J]. 地质力学学报,30(6):893−905 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024004
引用本文: 王冠民,祝新怡,刘海,等,2024. 沉积微相在致密砂岩可压裂性分析中的应用:以鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组7段为例[J]. 地质力学学报,30(6):893−905 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024004
WANG G M,ZHU X Y,LIU H,et al.,2024. The application of sedimentary microfacies on the fracability of tight sandstone reservoir in Chang 7 member of Longdong area in the Ordos Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(6):893−905 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024004
Citation: WANG G M,ZHU X Y,LIU H,et al.,2024. The application of sedimentary microfacies on the fracability of tight sandstone reservoir in Chang 7 member of Longdong area in the Ordos Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(6):893−905 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024004


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2024004
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41972131)

    王冠民(1969—) ,男,博士,教授,研究方向为沉积学与储层地质学。Email:wangguanmin@upc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE121

The application of sedimentary microfacies on the fracability of tight sandstone reservoir in Chang 7 member of Longdong area in the Ordos Basin

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41972131).
  • 摘要: 沉积特征差异是控制储层非均质性的关键因素之一,利用沉积微相来分析储层的非均质性通常是油气田开发和储层甜点预测的重要手段,也可以尝试用其评价致密砂岩储层的可压裂性。以鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组7段(长7段)的致密砂岩为研究对象,在通过岩芯、测井等资料识别不同沉积微相类型基础上,利用全岩X射线衍射(XRD)分析、铸体薄片观察得到致密砂岩样品的矿物成分和结构参数,并结合岩石力学实验,采用脆性指数和三轴抗压强度的比值来表征岩石的可压裂性。将致密砂岩的沉积微相、成分结构和可压裂性进行对比分析后得到以下认识:长7段致密砂岩主要发育水下分流河道和席状砂2种沉积微相,不同沉积微相之间的矿物成分、结构存在明显差异;与席状砂相比,水下分流河道砂体的平均粒径更大,分选更好,碳酸盐矿物和黏土矿物含量更低,杂基含量更少;可压裂性指数与砂岩的石英含量、碳酸盐矿物含量、粒度分布标准偏差具有正相关性,与长石含量、平均粒径具有负相关性。灰色关联分析表明碳酸盐矿物含量、粒度分布标准偏差、粒径是影响长7段致密砂岩可压裂性的最主要因素,整体上席状砂的可压裂性指数要高于水下分流河道砂,更易于压裂。由于砂岩颗粒的粒度分布标准偏差、粒径受沉积微相控制,碳酸盐矿物含量受砂岩厚度直接控制、受沉积微相间接控制,故在致密砂岩油气储层压裂的实际工程中可以依据沉积微相差异来判断致密砂岩的可压裂性变化,简化可压裂性的评价流程。


  • 图  1  研究区具体位置

    Figure  1.  Location map of the study area

    图  2  不同沉积微相砂岩样品的显微镜下特征

    Figure  2.  The characteristics of different sandstone microfacies under the microscope

    (a) Underwater distributary channel microfacies of sandstone, with good sorting, sub-angular, well Y24 at 2150.7 m, under monochromatic polarized light; (b) Sheet sand microfacies of fine sandstone, poor sorting, sub-angular, well Y24 at 2141.6 m, under monochromatic polarized light

    图  3  岩芯中典型的沉积相标志

    Figure  3.  Typical sedimentary phenomena in rock cores

    (a) Fluvial cross-bedding, well Y16 at 2040.7 m; (b) Flaser bedding, well Y24 at 2145.2 m; (c) Intact carbon debris in sandstone, well Y16 at 2026.7 m; (d) Disc-shaped mud chips in sandstone with oxidation halo, well Y24 at 2143.8 m; (e) Muddy rip-up clasts in sandstone, well Y24 at 2150.7 m; (f) Flame structure at the base of sandstone, well Y24 at 2161.8 m

    图  4  水下分流河道和席状砂微相的测井曲线特征

    Figure  4.  Logging curve characteristics of underwater distributary channels and sheet-like sand microfacies

    (a) The logging curve morphology of underwater distributary channels, Y16 well; (b) The logging curve morphology of sheet sand, Y24 well

    图  5  不同沉积微相砂岩的矿物成分对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of mineral composition of sandstones with different sedimentary microfacies

    (a) Quartz content comparison bar chart; (b) Feldspar content comparison bar chart; (c) Carbonate minerals content comparison bar chart; (d) Clay mineral content comparison bar chart

    图  6  不同沉积微相砂岩的结构对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison of sandstone structures between different sedimentary microfacies

    (a) Average particle size comparison bar chart; (b) Particle size distribution standard deviation comparison bar chart

    图  7  砂岩各种矿物成分与可压裂性之间的关系

    Figure  7.  The correlation between mineral composition and fracturing ability

    (a) Fracability index-quartz content; (b) Fracability index-feldspar content; (c) Fracability index-carbonate mineral content; (d) Fracability index-clay mineral content

    图  8  砂岩结构与可压裂性之间的关系

    Figure  8.  The relationship between sandstone structure and fracturing ability

    (a) Fracability index-average particle size; (b) Fracability index-grain size distribution standard deviation

    图  9  不同沉积微相砂岩的可压裂性参数对比图

    Figure  9.  Comparison of fracturability parameters for different sedimentary microfacies

    (a) Brittleness index comparison bar chart; (b) Compressive strength comparison bar chart; (c) Fracability index comparison bar chart

    图  10  砂岩成分和结构参数与可压裂性指数的关联度

    Figure  10.  The correlation between component or structure parameters and fracability index

    表  1  陇东地区延长组地层划分及岩性特征

    Table  1.   Stratigraphic division and lithological characteristics of the Yanchang Formation in the Longdong region

    地层时代 地层岩性
    上三叠统 延长组 1 深灰色泥、页岩夹煤层,局部为厚层块砂
    2 灰绿色中—细砂岩夹灰色—深灰色泥岩、黑褐色炭质泥岩
    4+5 深灰色—灰黑色泥、页岩与灰色—灰绿色粉砂岩互层,下部发育一套油页岩、泥岩夹薄层凝灰岩
    8 深灰色—灰黑色泥岩与浅灰绿色—褐灰色中—细砂岩互层
    10 灰绿色厚层块中—粗长石砂岩夹深灰色及暗紫色泥岩
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