Spatial structure characteristics and formation mechanism of the ancient Deda landslide elucidated using the microtremor survey method in Sichuan Province, China
摘要: 青藏高原东部地形地貌和地质构造极为复杂,位于该区金沙江流域等高山峡谷区的大型古滑坡具有发育密度大、空间结构复杂等特点,由古滑坡蠕滑变形及复活引起的灾害危害性强。德达古滑坡是位于四川省巴塘县德达乡的一个大型古滑坡,受查龙−然布断裂活动影响,德达古滑坡空间结构特征复杂,滑坡前缘呈现局部复活变形。文章采用遥感解译、现场调查、微动探测和工程地质钻探等工作手段,查明了德达古滑坡的空间结构特征。研究表明,德达古滑坡在平面上分为德达I号滑坡体(I)、德达II号滑坡体(II)和德达古滑坡后壁(Ⅲ)3个部分。通过微动探测结合钻探验证,提出了浅层滑带和深层滑带的微动横波速度划分方案,方案对滑带深度识别相对误差一般为2.6%~4.8%。研究揭示德达I号滑坡体发育2层滑带,浅层滑带S1-1埋深为18.7~20.1 m,深层滑带S1-2埋深为36.2~49.9 m,滑体体积约8.7×106~12.0×106 m3;德达Ⅱ号滑坡体发育1层滑带S2,滑带埋深为25.2~38.6 m,滑体体积约6.3×106~9.6×106 m3。综合分析认为,德达古滑坡是在断裂活动、降雨入渗、河流侵蚀等多种因素作用下形成的,复杂的滑体结构及其成因是滑坡体处于蠕滑变形的主要控制因素。文章研究方法和取得的认识可以为青藏高原东部大型古滑坡空间结构判识和风险防控提供参考。Abstract:
Objective The topography and geological structure of the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are highly complex. High development density and intricate spatial structures of large ancient landslides in alpine canyon areas, such as those in the Jinsha River, contribute to this complexity. In addition, hazards resulting from creep deformation and the resurgence of these ancient landslides are severe. The ancient Deda landslide, situated in Deda Township, Batang County, Sichuan Province, is a significant ancient landslide influenced by the Chalong-Ranbu fault activity. The spatial structural characteristics of this ancient landslide are complex, with localized resurgence deformation at the landslide front. Methods Various methods were included in the current study, such as remote sensing interpretation, on-site investigations, the microtremor survey method (MSM), and engineering geological drilling to elucidate further the spatial structural characteristics of the ancient Deda landslide. Results The research revealed that the ancient Deda landslide can be divided into three sections in the plan view: the Deda I landslide (I), the Deda II landslide (II), and the rear wall of the ancient Deda landslide (Ⅲ). Using MSM combined with drilling verification, a scheme for classifying the shear wave velocities of shallow and deep sliding zones was constructed, with a relative error in sliding zone depth identification ranging 2.6% ~ 4.8%. This paper showed that the Deda I landslide features two sliding zones, with a burial depth of 18.7 ~ 20.1 m for the shallow sliding zone (S1-1) and 36.2~49.9 m for the deep sliding zone (S1-2). The volume of the Deda I landslide is approximately 8.7×106 ~ 12.0×106 m3. The Deda II landslide has one sliding zone (S2) with a 25.2 ~ 38.6 m burial depth and a landslide volume of approximately 6.3×106 ~ 9.6×106 m3. Conclusion A comprehensive analysis suggested that the formation of the ancient Deda landslide was the result of various factors, including fault structures, rainfall infiltration, and river erosion. The complex landslide structure and its genesis were identified as the primary controlling factors for landslides in a state of creep deformation. [Significance] The research methods and insights presented in this study can serve as a reference for the spatial identification and risk prevention of large ancient landslides on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. -
图 1 四川省巴塘县德达古滑坡区域地质图
Figure 1. Regional geological map of the ancient Deda landslide in Batang County, Sichuan Province
(a) Regional structural geological map of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; (b) Structure location and stratigraphic lithology distribution map of the ancient Deda landslide
图 2 德达古滑坡平面发育特征与现场调查照片
Figure 2. Planar development characteristics and on-site investigation photos of the ancient Deda landslide
(a) Engineering geological plan of the ancient Deda landslide; (b) Front reactivation deformation of the ancient Deda landslide (mirror to NW); (c) Back wall (III) fault scarp of the ancient Deda landslide (mirror to NE); (d) Platform of the ancient Deda landslide (mirror to NE)
图 3 德达古滑坡微动探测反演结果剖面图
Figure 3. Inversion results of microtremor surveys method (MSM) in the section of the ancient Deda landslide
(a) Inversion results of MSM in the A-A′ section of the ancient Deda landslide; (b) Inversion results of MSM in the B-B′ section of the ancient Deda landslide
图 4 德达I号滑坡体微动勘探点地球物理响应特征图
Figure 4. Geophysical response characteristics of microtremor surveys method (MSM) points on the Deda I landslide
(a) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD1 point; (b) Dispersion curve of WD1 point; (c) Inversion of WD1 shear wave velocity structure; (d) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD2 point; (e) Dispersion curve of WD2 point; (f) Inversion of WD2 shear wave velocity structure; (g) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD3 point; (h) Dispersion curve of WD3 point; (i) Inversion of WD3 shear wave velocity structure
图 5 德达Ⅱ号滑坡体微动勘探点地球物理响应特征图
Figure 5. Geophysical response characteristics of microtremor surveys method (MSM) points on the Deda Ⅱ landslide
(a) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD4 point; (b) Dispersion curve of WD4 point; (c) Inversion of WD4 shear wave velocity structure; (d) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD5 point; (e) Dispersion curve of WD5 point; (f) Inversion of WD5 shear wave velocity structure; (g) Dispersion energy spectrum of WD6 point; (h) Dispersion curve of WD6 point; (i) Inversion of WD6 shear wave velocity structure
图 6 德达古滑坡ZK1钻孔柱状图
a—ZK1揭露地层特征;b—WD1横波速度结构特征;c—碎石黏土(钻孔深度20.1~20.3 m);d—滑带土(钻孔深度49.7~49.9 m);e—滑带土断面;f—软弱夹层钻孔深度为(钻孔深度70.9~72.4 m)
Figure 6. Column diagram of the ZK1 borehole in the ancient Deda landslide
(a) ZK1 reveals the stratigraphic characteristics; (b) WD1 shear wave velocity structure characteristics; (c) Gravelly clay (borehole depth 20.1~20.3 m); (d) Sliding zone (borehole depth 49.7~49.9 m); (e) Sliding zone cross-section; (f) Soft interlayer (borehole depth 70.9~72.4 m)
图 8 德达古滑坡ZK4钻孔柱状图
a—ZK4揭露地层特征;b—WD6横波速度结构特征;c—碎石黏土(钻孔深度24.8~26.6 m);d—滑带土(钻孔深度38.6~39.3 m);e—滑带土断面;f—软弱夹层(钻孔深度78.9和81.3 m)
Figure 8. Column diagram of the ZK4 borehole in the ancient Deda landslide
(a) ZK4 reveals the stratigraphic characteristics; (b) WD6 shear wave velocity structure characteristics; (c) Gravelly clay (borehole depth 24.8~26.6 m); (d) Sliding zone (borehole depth 38.6~39.3 m); (e) Sliding zone cross-section; (f) Soft interlayer (borehole depth 78.9 m and 81.3 m)
图 11 德达古滑坡形成机制模式图
Figure 11. Schematic diagram of the ancient Deda landslide formation mechanism
(a) Development of the joint surface at the rear edge of the landslide; (b) Shaking-disintegrating-scraping-accumulation stage; (c) Rockslide accumulation-river blocking-dam breach stage; (d) Rainfall infiltration-river erosion-creep deformation stage
表 1 德达古滑坡微动探测响应与横波速度一览表
Table 1. List of microtremor surveys method (MSM) response characteristics of the ancient Deda landslide
微动勘探点 浅表层滑体横波速度/
(灰岩、砂质板岩)/(m/s)滑带横波速度/(m/s) 滑带编号 浅层滑带 滑带编号 深层滑带 WD1 200.0~644.2 644.2~766.0 766.0~1206.1 WD1-1 349.5 WD1-2 644.2 WD2 198.7~492.2 492.2~840.8 840.8~1110.4 WD2-1 365.1 WD2-2 475.2 WD3 200.0~618.0 618.0~888.7 888.7~1006.5 / / WD3-1 618.0 WD4 200.0~432.4 432.4~718.5 718.5~1000.0 / / WD4-1 432.4 WD5 200.0~590.8 590.8~939.0 939.0~1056.1 / / WD5-1 590.8 WD6 200.0~543.1 543.1~776.7 776.7~1240.8 / / WD6-1 543.1 表 2 德达古滑坡微动勘探点与钻探结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of MSM points and drilling results of the ancient Deda landslide
名称 位置 滑带深度/m 相对误差/% 德达Ⅰ号滑坡体 WD1 47.3 4.8 ZK1 49.7 WD2 18.7 4.1 ZK2 19.5 德达Ⅱ号滑坡体 WD3 26.4 4.7 ZK3 25.2 WD4 37.6 2.6 ZK4 38.6 -
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