Tectonic deformation and seismic mechanism of the 2021 Aksai MS 5.5 earthquake
摘要: 2021年8月26日甘肃阿克塞党河南山地区发生了MS 5.5地震,震中位于阿尔金走滑断裂与祁连山西段挤压逆冲断裂的构造转换区。明确此次地震的形变特征及发震机制,有助于认识边界走滑断裂与逆冲断裂系之间应变分配和构造转换的大陆动力学问题,同时对祁连山西段的地震危险性评价也具有重要意义。利用远近场地震波形联合反演(the generalized Cut-and-Paste joint, gCAPjoint)此次地震的震源机制解。通过对地震序列走时信息以及地震前后的合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)影像数据进行处理,得到了此次地震序列的精确空间位置和同震形变场。结合震中附近活动构造和构造地貌实地调查,认为此次地震的发震构造为党河南山南缘断裂,断裂活动性质为逆冲型。该断裂走向为315°、倾角为41°、滑动角为81°,震源矩心深度为6.9 km。随着青藏高原向北东向的挤压扩展,柴达木地块北部地震活动显著增强,未来阿尔金断裂东段和祁连山西段的地震危险性应重点关注。
- 甘肃阿克塞MS 5.5地震 /
- 震源机制解 /
- 发震构造 /
- 党河南山南缘断裂
Abstract:Objective On August 26, 2021, an Ms5.5 earthquake occurred in Aksai, Gansu Province. The epicenter is located along the southern piedmont of the Danghe Nan Shan. This event garnered significant attention because of its deformation characteristics and seismogenic mechanisms. Existing studies have mainly focused on emergency response and seismic activity analyses; however, there is a lack of research on tectonic deformation and seismic mechanisms. This study aimed to fill this gap by analyzing the deformation characteristics of the earthquake zone and revealing its seismogenic mechanism. Methods This study employed seismological methods combined with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technology to investigate the tectonic deformation and seismic mechanism of the 2021 Aksai Ms5.5 earthquake. Combining focal mechanism solutions, precise earthquake locations, and InSAR results, the seismogenic fault and its geometric and kinematic parameters were determined and validated through geological field surveys. Results This study applied joint inversion with both local and teleseismic waveforms (the generalized cut-and-paste joint, gCAPjoint) to source parameters. The fault solutions strike 315°, dip 41°, rake 81°, depth 6.9 km. We relocated the Aksai earthquake and its aftershocks using the hypoinverse and double-difference method (HypoDD), and accurate locations of 88 earthquakes were obtained. The 2021 Ms5.5 earthquake sequence in Aksai is distributed near the southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault, with a fault dip toward the NE. The co-seismic deformation field indicated by InSAR matched the macro-epicenter with the precise location results, confirming the reliability of the precise location. Both the ascending and descending orbit surface deformation fields showed uplift near the epicenter with similar magnitudes and signs in the line-of-sight direction, indicating that the earthquake rupture was mainly thrusting. Fault scarps near the epicenter along the southern piedmont of the Danghe Nan Shan were recognized in the field and satellite images. Combined data from focal mechanism solutions, precise earthquake locations, and InSAR coseismic deformation fields, along with field geological survey results, indicate that the seismogenic fault of this event was the southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault, with a strike of 315°, dip of 41°, and rake of 81°. Conclusion This study indicated that the seismogenic fault of this event was the southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault, which is a thrust fault. The fault solutions strike 315°, dip 41°, rake 81°, depth 6.9 km. Because of the northward extrusion thrust of the Qinghai-Xizang Block, the seismic activity in the northern part of the Qaidam Block has significantly increased. The future seismic risk of the eastern section of the Altyn Tagh Fault and western Qilian Shan should be emphasized. [ Significance ] This study provides new insights and methods for researching active tectonics. It holds significant scientific importance and innovation in understanding seismogenic mechanisms and structural transformation, as it helps to understand the mode and magnitude of slip transfer between the strike-slipping of the Altyn Tagh Fault and the shortening of the Qilian Shan and also contributes to a better evaluation of the seismic risk in this region. -
图 1 震中台站分布图和文中使用的地壳速度模型
F1—党河南山南缘断裂;F2—党河南山北缘断裂;F3—阿尔金南缘断裂;F4—阿尔金断裂;F5—野马河−大雪山断裂;F6—疏勒南山断裂;F7—中祁连北缘断裂;F8—昌马断裂;F9—肃南−祁连断裂;F10—红崖子−佛洞庙断裂;F11—柴达木北缘断裂a—近震波形台站分布;b—远震波形台站分布;c—研究区地壳速度模型(Vp 为P波速度,VS为S波速度)
Figure 1. Epicenter and station distribution, and crustal velocity model used in this study
(a) Distribution of local station and active faults; (b) Distribution of teleseismic station; (c) The crustal velocity model for this study (the dashed line represents the S-wave and the solid line represents the P-wave, Vp is the P-wave velocity, and VS is the S-wave velocity) F1— Southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault; F2— Northern Danghe Nan Shan Fault; F3 and F4 are the south and north strands of the Altyn Tagh Fault; F5—Yemahe–Daxue shan Fault; F6—Shule Nan Shan Fault; F7—North Central Qilian Fault; F8— Changma Fault; F9— Sunan–Qilian Fault; F10—Hongyazi–Fodongmiao Fault; F11—North Qaidam Fault
图 2 波速比和地壳速度模型
Figure 2. Wave velocity ratio and velocity model used in this study
(a) Wave velocity ratio (The horizontal axis represents the difference between P-wave travel time (Pj) and the minimum P-wave travel time (Pi), while the vertical axis represents the difference between corresponding S-wave travel time (Sj) and the minimum S-wave travel time (Si). The black "×" marks indicate outliers in the velocity ratio fitting data and are not included in the fitting process. The blue dashed line represents the fitted velocity ratio line.); (b) Velocity model (The dashed line is the initial velocity model and the solid line is the VELEST velocity model; the red line represents the S-wave, and the blue line represents the P-wave.)
图 3 2021年阿克塞地震震源机制反演结果
Figure 3. The focal mechanism solution of 2021 Aksai mainshock
The red and black lines represent the synthesized and observed waveforms, respectively. The numbers below the waveforms are the time shifts (in seconds) and the maximum cross-correlation coefficients. The station codes are shown on the left, and the azimuth and epicentral distances are shown below the station codes. The triangles on the beach ball are the off-source angle projections of the P-wave, the positive triangles represent the local Pnl, and the inverted triangles represent the teleseismic P-wave.
图 5 地震震中重新定位分布图及剖面两侧各7 km范围内的地震深度分布图
注:深度剖面上的彩色实心圆为剖面两侧7 km范围内地震在剖面上的垂直投影,沙滩球的投影剖面为AA’, 彩色实心圆的颜色表示发震时间, 黑色虚线为拟合断层面a—重新定位地震震中分布;b—AA’剖面上的地震深度分布;c—BB’剖面上的地震深度分布
Figure 5. Map view and depth distribution of the aftershocks along profiles. Earthquakes within 7 km of the line are included
(a) Epicenter distribution of the relocated events; (b) Depth distribution of the aftershocks along AA’ profiles; (c) Depth distribution of the aftershocks along BB’ profiles Note:Colored solid circles on each depth profile represent the vertical projections of earthquakes within a 7 km range on both sides. The beach balls represent the focal mechanisms, and the projection profile is AA’; The colors of the solid circles indicate the occurrence time of the earthquakes; The black dashed line represents the fitted fault plane.
图 7 阿克塞MS5.5 地震发震构造和断层陡坎地貌
Figure 7. Seismogenic fault of the Aksai earthquake and fault scarps along the southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault
(a) Seismogenic tectonics and rupture patterns of the Aksai earthquake (δ is the dip of the fault); (b) Geomorphic interpretation from satellite image; (c)—(h) Geomorphology of fault scarps along the southern Danghe Nan Shan Fault
图 8 2008年至今祁连山西段(92°—100°E、37°—41.5°N)MS≥4.0地震震级−时间图
黑竖线为震级,粉红色影区示意地震活跃期,红色虚线为MS 5.0示意线
Figure 8. The Magnitude-time(M-t)diagram of the western Qilian Shan region since 2008
The seismic data used is Ms≥ 4.0 earthquakes in the western Qilian Shan region (longitude 92°–100°; latitude 37°–41.5°), since 2008. Seismic data in the western Qilian Shan region (longitude 92°–100°; latitude 37°–41.5°) with Ms≥ 4.0 magnitude since 2008. The black vertical line represents the magnitude, pink shaded area indicates the active period, and red dashed line represents the symbol line for Ms 5.0.
表 1 阿克塞地震震源机制解
Table 1. The results of focal mechanisms by different organizations
节面I 节面II P轴 T轴 深度/
km数据来源 走向/
(º)310 39 71 154 54 105 234 8 111 76 17.4 Globe CMT
(Ekström et al.,2012)331 47 107 127 45 72 49 1 315 78 11.5 美国地质调查局 (USGS) 324.9 40.0 93.6 140.2 50.1 87.0 232.4 5.1 27.9 84.4 万永革,2019 331.3 37.6 66.6 180.0 56.0 107.0 257.9 9.5 134.9 73.0 6.1 薛善余等,2023 315 41 81 146 49 97 231 4 105 83 6.9 文中 -
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