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刘军 黄超 周磊 陈群 张生龙

刘军,黄超,周磊,等,2024. 基于阵列声波测井估算碳酸盐岩储层岩石力学和地应力参数:以顺北4号带为例[J]. 地质力学学报,30(3):394−407 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023110
引用本文: 刘军,黄超,周磊,等,2024. 基于阵列声波测井估算碳酸盐岩储层岩石力学和地应力参数:以顺北4号带为例[J]. 地质力学学报,30(3):394−407 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023110
LIU J,HUANG C,ZHOU L,et al.,2024. Estimation of the rock mechanics and in-situ stress parameters of carbonate reservoirs using array sonic logging: A case study of Shunbei No.4 block[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(3):394−407 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023110
Citation: LIU J,HUANG C,ZHOU L,et al.,2024. Estimation of the rock mechanics and in-situ stress parameters of carbonate reservoirs using array sonic logging: A case study of Shunbei No.4 block[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(3):394−407 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023110


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023110
基金项目: 中国博士后科学基金项目(2018M631541);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20221660-1,DD20242777)




  • 中图分类号: P634.1

Estimation of the rock mechanics and in-situ stress parameters of carbonate reservoirs using array sonic logging: A case study of Shunbei No.4 block

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Research Fund (Grant No. 2018M631541) and the Geological Survey Projects of the China Geological Survey (Grants No. DD20221660-1 and DD20242777).
  • 摘要: 地质力学分析在油气藏勘探开发过程中发挥着重要作用,顺北油气田中—下奥陶统一间房组—鹰山组储层地应力研究相对滞后。对比分析了顺北4号带下古生界中—下奥陶统一间房组—鹰山组碳酸盐岩不同类型储层的岩石力学和地应力特征,同时探讨了微观颗粒结构对碳酸盐岩储层地应力和岩石力学参数的控制作用,为顺北地区超深层碳酸盐岩储层评价提供了基础地质依据。基于弹簧组合模型,通过岩石力学实验和阵列声波测井确定了岩石力学和地应力特征,通过铸体薄片和X射线CT扫描表征碳酸盐岩的微观孔隙结构。研究结果表明:顺北4号带一间房组—鹰山组杨氏模量分布在50~89 GPa,抗压强度在99~136 MPa,泊松比在0.25~0.32;地层最大水平主应力为200~225 MPa,最小水平主应力为125~160 MPa。一间房组—鹰山组碳酸盐岩不同类型储层的岩石力学参数和地应力存在明显差异,从I类、II类、III类到非储层段碳酸盐岩的杨氏模量、抗压强度和最大水平主应力明显增大,而泊松比和最小水平主应力变化不大。相比于一间房组—鹰山组泥晶灰岩,砂屑−生屑灰岩方解石颗粒较大,颗粒黏结程度降低,导致岩石抗压强度和杨氏模量减小;砂屑−生屑灰岩部分方解石颗粒呈次圆状或圆状,颗粒三维空间球度较大,颗粒之间咬合作用减弱,使得岩石的抗压强度和杨氏模量减小;砂屑−生屑灰岩存在大量的孔隙和裂缝,灰岩易沿着潜在的微裂缝面或者颗粒接触面摩擦滑动甚至破裂,同样导致岩石抗压强度和杨氏模量减小。此外,一间房组—鹰山组泥晶灰岩受热液作用影响,部分白云石交代为石英,导致泥晶灰岩的抗压强度和杨氏模量增加。岩石的宏观力学特征和岩石力学参数受岩石微观颗粒结构的制约,一间房组—鹰山组杨氏模量、抗压强度和最大水平主应力低值区即为顺北4号带优势储层发育区带。


  • 图  1  塔里木盆地顺北油气田构造位置和奥陶系储层岩性特征(漆立新,2020

    Figure  1.  Location of the Shunbei oil and gas field in the Tarim Basin (modified from Qi, 2020) and the lithological characteristics of the Ordovician reservoir

    图  2  动、静态岩石力学参数关系图

    Figure  2.  The correlations between dynamic and static rock mechanics parameters

    图  3  不同类型储层的岩石力学参数对比图

    Figure  3.  The comparison charts of rock mechanics parameters for different types of reservoirs

    图  4  不同类型储层的地应力参数对比图

    Figure  4.  The comparison charts of in-situ stress parameters for different types of reservoirs

    图  5  SHB41X井地应力和岩石力学参数剖面

    Figure  5.  The profile of in-situ stress and rock mechanics parameters for well SHB41X

    图  6  SHB45X井一间房组灰岩类型

    a—含硅质泥晶灰岩,SHB45X井7722 m;b—泥晶灰岩,SHB45X井7724 m;c—生屑灰岩,SHB45X井7725 m;d—鲕粒灰岩,SHB45X井7727 m

    Figure  6.  Limestone types of the Yijianfang Formation in well SHB45

    (a) Siliceous micritic limestone, at 7722 m in well SHB45X; (b) Micritic limestone, at 7724 m in well SHB45X; (c) Bioclastic limestone, at 7725 m in well SHB45X; (d) Oolitic limestone, at 7727 m in well SHB45X

    图  7  不同类型储层裂缝CT成像

    a—非储层段灰岩CT切片,SHB43X井7570.25 m;b—非储层段灰岩柱塞CT成像,SHB43X井7570.25 m,;c—III类储层灰岩CT切片SHB41X井,7543.3 m;d—III类储层灰岩柱塞CT成像,SHB41X井7543.3 m

    Figure  7.  CT images of fractures in different reservoirs

    (a) CT slice of limestone in the non-reservoir section, at 7570.25 m in well SHB43X; (b) CT image of limestone plug in the non-reservoir section, at 7570.25 m in well SHB43X; (c) CT slice of limestone in Type III reservoir, at 7543.3 m in well SHB41X; (d) CT image of limestone plug in Type III reservoir, at 7543.3 m in well SHB41X

    表  1  动、静态岩石力学参数

    Table  1.   The dynamic and static rock mechanics parameters from geomechanical experiments

    井号 井深/m Es/GPa vs Ed/GPa vd σh/MPa σH/MPa
    SHB41X 7543.30 52 0.222 72.24 0.342
    7543.18 58 0.287 75.04 0.312 147 200
    SHB43X 7570.05 62 0.267 79.53 0.32 143 213
    7570.25 64 0.239 79.73 0.346
    SHB43X 7572.24 63 0.291 79.51 0.317
    SHB44X 7632.79 57 0.270 79.67 0.304 149 212
    SHB44X 7634.66 45 0.298 71.44 0.302
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  顺北4号带地破实验参数和地层压力

    Table  2.   The LOT parameters and formation pressure for the Shunbei No. 4 block

    下载: 导出CSV
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