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孟静 张鹏 王继明 丰成君 范玉璐 戚帮申 孙明乾

孟静,张鹏,王继明,等,2024. 山东龙郓煤业10•20冲击地压事故区域应力背景与防控研究[J]. 地质力学学报,30(3):473−486 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023094
引用本文: 孟静,张鹏,王继明,等,2024. 山东龙郓煤业10•20冲击地压事故区域应力背景与防控研究[J]. 地质力学学报,30(3):473−486 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023094
MENG J,ZHANG P,WANG J M,et al.,2024. Study on regional stress background and prevention of the rock burst accident on October 20th, 2018 in the Longyun Coal Industry area, Shandong, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(3):473−486 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023094
Citation: MENG J,ZHANG P,WANG J M,et al.,2024. Study on regional stress background and prevention of the rock burst accident on October 20th, 2018 in the Longyun Coal Industry area, Shandong, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(3):473−486 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023094


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023094
基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20190317, DD20221738, DD20230540);国家自然科学基金项目(U2244226);中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费项目(DZLXJK202305)

    孟静(1984— ),女,在读博士,高级工程师,从事区域地壳稳定性分析及城市地质安全风险评价等方面研究。Email:mexijay@sina.com


    张鹏(1986— ),男,博士,副研究员,从事地应力测量与实时监测、构造应力场等方面研究。Email:zhangpeng0713@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P553

Study on regional stress background and prevention of the rock burst accident on October 20th, 2018 in the Longyun Coal Industry area, Shandong, China

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Projects of the China Geological Survey (Grants No. DD20190317, DD20221738, and DD20230540), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U2244226), and the Reasearch Fund of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Grant No. DZLXJK202305).
  • 摘要: 矿山巷道、交通隧道等地下硐室围岩稳定与岩体所处区域地应力环境息息相关。分析区域深部地应力与地下硐室走向、形状等因素的关系,有助于提前规避硐室开挖风险。文章以山东龙郓煤业10•20冲击地压事故为背景,通过地应力测量与监测工作,初步揭示了山东西部地壳浅表层现今地应力环境,结合龙郓煤业矿区附近现今地应力场特征,探讨此次冲击地压事故产生的区域应力背景,并从地应力角度提出相应的防控建议。研究结果表明:测量深度范围内主应力大小总体上与深度成正比线性关系,最大水平主应力值为3.48~20.76 MPa,随深度增加梯度为0.0182 MPa/m;最小水平主应力值为3.44~14.95 MPa,随深度增加梯度为0.0130 MPa/m;区内最大水平主应力方位为北东43°~89°,平均方位为北东75°;地壳浅表层构造作用以水平构造作用为主,但随着深度的增加,逐渐向垂直构造作用转变;龙郓煤业10•20冲击地压事故的诱发机制主要是垂向应力大于水平主应力,现今处于拉张应力环境,尤其是巷道走向平行于最大水平主应力方向;建议龙郓煤业巷道轴线与最大水平主应力方向的夹角为60°~90°,同时巷道顶板可以采用拱形顶板,确保巷道岩体稳定。


  • 图  1  龙郓煤业矿区及周边区域构造地质背景图

    a—华北地块及邻区构造纲要图; b—山东半岛主要活动断裂及事故点位图

    Figure  1.  Regional tectonic and geologial background map of Longyun Coal Industry and surrounding area

    (a) Geotectonic outline of North China block and adjacent areas; (b) Map showing the main active faults and accident locations of Shandong Peninsula

    图  2  1303泄水巷及其3#联络巷示意图与巷道顶板破坏情况


    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram and photos showing 1303 drainage tunnel and its 3# connecting tunnel, illustrating the damage condition of the tunnel roof

    (a) Schematic diagram of 1303 drainage tunnel and its 3# connecting tunnel; (b) Photo showing the anchoring rod being squeezed into the roof; (c) Photo showing the roof bottom drumming; (d) Photo showing convergence of both sides and roof subsidence; (e) Photo showing roof subsidence and cracking of the anchor beam

    图  3  山东省肥城深孔钻孔岩芯图


    Figure  3.  Pictures of the deep drilling cores in Feicheng, Shandong Province

    (a)Site picture of in-situ stress measurement and real-time monitoring drilling construction; (b)Picture of drill cores; (c)Picture of typical drill cores

    图  4  山东省肥城深孔水压致裂地应力测量压裂曲线

    Figure  4.  Fracturing curves of in-situ stress in the deep borehole measured by hydraulic fracturing in Feicheng, Shandong Province

    图  5  山东省肥城深孔水压致裂最大水平主应力方向印模结果

    Figure  5.  Directional impression results of the maximum horizontal principal stress in the deep borehole by hydraulic fracturing in Feicheng, Shandong Province

    图  6  山东省肥城深孔主应力大小及方向随深度变化趋势

    Figure  6.  Trends of the magnitude and direction of principal stresses with depth in the deep borehole in Feicheng, Shandong Province

    图  7  冲击地压事故区巷道走向与主应力方向关系示意图

    Figure  7.  Diagram showing the relationship between the tunnel orientation and the principal stress direction in the rock burst area

    表  1  山东省肥城深孔水压致裂地应力测量结果

    Table  1.   Results of in-situ stress in the deep drilling core measured by hydraulic fracturing in Feicheng, Shandong Province

    序号 深度/m 压裂参数/MPa 主应力值/MPa 水平侧压系数 SH方位
    PH P0 Pb Pr Ps SH Sh Sv KH Kh
    1 71.24 0.71 0.71 8.38 6.13 3.44 3.48 3.44 1.89 1.84 1.82
    2 76.00 0.76 0.76 18.24 8.55 4.46 4.07 4.46 2.01 2.02 2.21 北东78°
    3 96.00 0.96 0.96 14.20 10.37 6.48 8.11 6.48 2.54 3.19 2.55
    4 117.36 1.17 1.17 20.71 10.11 6.58 8.46 6.58 3.11 2.72 2.12 北东88°
    5 129.57 1.30 1.30 17.51 8.85 5.12 5.21 5.12 3.43 1.52 1.49 北东89°
    6 144.36 1.44 1.44 17.61 8.75 6.00 7.81 6.00 3.83 2.04 1.57
    7 190.48 1.90 1.90 18.95 13.36 8.35 9.79 8.35 5.05 1.94 1.66
    8 206.11 2.06 2.06 16.68 11.62 8.22 10.98 8.22 5.46 2.01 1.51 北东73°
    9 243.00 2.43 2.43 17.97 11.73 8.14 10.26 8.14 6.44 1.59 1.26
    10 251.60 2.52 2.52 19.71 12.83 8.98 11.59 8.98 6.67 1.74 1.35
    11 266.01 2.66 2.66 22.28 14.58 9.79 12.13 9.79 7.05 1.72 1.39 北东62°
    12 291.13 2.91 2.91 18.31 10.09 7.61 9.83 7.61 7.71 1.27 0.99 北东89°
    13 342.01 3.42 3.42 17.20 11.73 8.40 10.05 8.40 9.06 1.11 0.93
    14 368.77 3.69 3.69 20.40 12.82 9.91 13.22 9.91 9.77 1.35 1.01
    15 400.68 4.01 4.01 4.01 19.63 14.65 20.31 14.65 10.62 1.91 1.38
    16 417.18 4.17 4.17 17.37 13.17 10.43 13.95 10.43 11.06 1.26 0.94
    17 446.68 4.47 4.47 17.99 13.59 10.72 14.10 10.72 11.84 1.19 0.91
    18 452.44 4.52 4.52 19.96 8.58 7.50 9.40 7.50 11.99 0.78 0.63
    19 468.70 4.69 4.69 16.64 8.95 7.75 9.61 7.75 12.42 0.77 0.62
    20 479.50 4.80 4.80 16.76 9.13 7.86 9.65 7.86 12.71 0.76 0.62
    21 491.33 4.91 4.91 16.28 8.96 7.97 10.04 7.97 13.02 0.77 0.61
    22 502.00 5.02 5.02 5.02 12.55 9.19 10.00 9.19 13.30 0.75 0.69
    23 515.19 5.15 5.15 19.05 12.58 9.23 9.96 9.23 13.65 0.73 0.68
    24 534.61 5.35 5.35 20.58 15.29 12.22 16.02 12.22 14.17 1.13 0.86
    25 557.80 5.58 5.58 24.36 17.58 13.38 16.98 13.38 14.78 1.15 0.91
    26 570.96 5.71 5.71 22.23 16.53 13.47 18.17 13.47 15.13 1.20 0.89
    27 605.70 6.06 6.06 24.11 18.03 14.95 20.76 14.95 16.05 1.29 0.93 北东43°
    注:Pb—破裂压力;Pr—重张压力;Ps—关闭压力;PH—静水柱压力;P0—孔隙压力;SH—最大水平主应力;Sh—最小水平主应力;Sv—垂向主应力(岩石容重取2650 kg/m3);最大水平侧压力系数KH=SH/Sv;最小水平侧压力系数Kh=Sh/Sv
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    表  2  研究区不同深度主应力回归计算结果

    Table  2.   Regression calculated results of principal stresses at different depths in the study area

    深度/m SH/MPa Sh/MPa SV/MPa
    500 14.1312 10.9834 13.2500
    600 15.9512 12.2834 15.9000
    610 16.1332 12.4134 16.1650
    700 17.7712 13.5834 18.5500
    800 19.5912 14.8834 21.2000
    900 21.4112 16.1834 23.8500
    1000 23.2312 17.4834 26.5000
    1027 23.7226 17.8344 27.2155
    1067 24.4506 18.3544 28.2755
    1100 25.0512 18.7834 29.1500
    1200 26.8712 20.0834 31.8000
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