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许可可 毕志伟 杨会峰 杨振京 宁凯 戴慧敏 刘凯 刘国栋

许可可,毕志伟,杨会峰,等,2023. 基于孢粉证据的银川盆地MIS6—MIS5气候环境演变重建[J]. 地质力学学报,29(4):522−542 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023091
引用本文: 许可可,毕志伟,杨会峰,等,2023. 基于孢粉证据的银川盆地MIS6—MIS5气候环境演变重建[J]. 地质力学学报,29(4):522−542 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023091
XU K K,BI Z W,YANG H F,et al.,2023. Reconstruction of climatic and environmental evolution in the Yinchuan Basin from MIS6 to MIS5 based on spore–pollen evidence[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(4):522−542 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023091
Citation: XU K K,BI Z W,YANG H F,et al.,2023. Reconstruction of climatic and environmental evolution in the Yinchuan Basin from MIS6 to MIS5 based on spore–pollen evidence[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(4):522−542 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023091


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023091
基金项目: 河北省自然科学基金项目(D2021504016);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20221779,DD20230210-01)




  • 中图分类号: P46;Q944.571

Reconstruction of climatic and environmental evolution in the Yinchuan Basin from MIS6 to MIS5 based on spore–pollen evidence

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Grant D2021504016) and the Geological Survey Projects of the China Geological Survey (Grants DD20221779 and DD20230210-01).
  • 摘要:

    MIS6—MIS5是冰期向间冰期转变的典型时期,MIS5阶段的气候要素可以和现代暖期类比,对其演变过程进行研究可以更好地了解暖期气候变化过程和未来气候变化趋势。利用现代孢粉和气象数据以及季风边缘区银川盆地的地层孢粉和粒度指标,通过训练集选择、主控气候参数筛选、5种重建模型的交叉验证、区域对比、显著性检验和生态学解释后认为局部加权加权平均偏最小二乘法(LWWA-PLS)重建结果最为稳健。MIS6—MIS5阶段气候演变可分为6个阶段:157~131 ka时期,年平均降水量(Pann)为424.99 mm,7月平均温度(TJuly)为22.58 ℃,气候较湿冷,喜湿冷乔木类植被发育;131~119 ka时期,Pann为410.95 mm,TJuly为23.62 ℃,喜暖乔木、草本发育,气候转湿暖;119~111 ka时期,Pann为369.50 mm,TJuly为22.53 ℃,喜冷草本、乔木发育,气候干冷;111~98 ka时期,Pann为378.39 mm,TJuly为22.86 ℃,早期喜暖乔木含量高,后期喜冷乔木含量上升,气候整体干暖,温度先上升后下降;98~85 ka时期,Pann为278.24 mm,TJuly为22.01 ℃,喜冷乔木较发育,该阶段气候整体最为干冷;85~78 ka时期,Pann为364.21 mm,TJuly为23.45 ℃,乔木、草本均较发育,气候转湿暖。对重建的气候参数进行集合经验模态分解(EEMD),结果较好地响应于23 ka岁差周期,与北半球中、高纬地质记录对比后认为,受太阳辐射影响的北大西洋气候变动主要通过西风环流以及大洋传输带驱动东亚季风的变化,进而影响银川盆地的气候变化。


  • 图  1  LS01钻孔和表土样点位置图

    Figure  1.  Location of Borehole LS01 and modern sopre–pollen sites

    图  2  LS01钻孔岩性柱状图和年龄模型重建结果

    Figure  2.  Lithologic histogram and age model reconstruction results of Borehole LS01

    图  3  LS01钻孔岩芯孢粉百分比含量图谱


    Figure  3.  Spore–pollen percentage map of Borehole LS01

    AP–content of Arboricaceae; NAP–content of non-Arboricaceae

    图  4  现代样品和地层化石中孢粉科属最大丰度值对比图


    Figure  4.  Comparison chart of maximum abundance values of sopre-pollen species from the modern and Borehole LS01 samples

    Red circles–family and genus in which the maximum spore–pollen abundance in the borehole samples are greater than the spore–pollen abundance in the modern samples

    图  5  主要孢粉科属百分比覆盖率箱型图


    Figure  5.  Box chart of percentage coverage of main spore–pollen species in the modern and LS01 borehole samples

    Yellow–LS01 borehole samples; Green–modern samples

    图  6  气候参数相关性结果

    Figure  6.  Correlation results of climatic variables

    图  7  重建结果显著性检验


    Figure  7.  Significance test of the reconstruction results

    Red dotted line–proportion of variance explained by 95% random reconstruction results; Blue line–proportion of variance explained by the first axis of a principal components analysis (PCA) of the borehole samples

    图  8  主要孢粉种类最适生态位及生态幅度

    Figure  8.  Optimum ecological niche and ecological range of main spore–pollen species

    图  9  现代主要孢粉科属含量与年平均降水Huisman–Olff–Fresco(HOF)分析结果

    a—Pinus;b—Picea;c—Betula;d—Cupressaceae;e—Carpinus;f—Juglans;g—Quercus deciduous;h—Ulmus;i—Hippophae;j—Elaeagnus;k—Poaceae;l—Chenopodiaceae;m—Asteraceae;n—Artemisia;o—Ranunculus;p—Polygonum;q—Rosaceae;r—Lamiaceae;s—Humulus;t—Tribulus

    Figure  9.  Huisman-Olff-Fresco (HOF) analysis results of main modern spore–pollen species contents vs. mean annual precipitation

    图  10  现代主要孢粉科属含量与年平均温度HOF分析结果

    a—Pinus;b—Picea;c—Betula;d—Cupressaceae;e—Carpinus;f—Juglans;g—Quercus deciduous;h—Ulmus;i—Hippophae;j—Elaeagnus;k—Poaceae;l—Chenopodiaceae;m—Asteraceae;n—Artemisia;o—Ranunculus;p—Polygonum;q—Rosaceae;r—Lamiaceae;s—Humulus;t—Tribulus

    Figure  10.  HOF results of main modern sopre–pollen species contents vs. mean annual temperature

    图  11  现代主要孢粉科属含量与1月平均温度HOF分析结果

    a—Pinus;b—Picea;c—Betula;d—Cupressaceae;e—Carpinus;f—Juglans;g—Quercus deciduous;h—Ulmus;i—Hippophae;j—Elaeagnus;k—Poaceae;l—Chenopodiaceae;m—Asteraceae;n—Artemisia;o—Ranunculus;p—Polygonum;q—Rosaceae;r—Lamiaceae;s—Humulus;t—Tribulus

    Figure  11.  HOF results of main modern sopre–pollen species contents vs. mean temperature in January

    图  12  现代主要孢粉科属含量与7月平均温度HOF分析结果

    a—Pinus;b—Picea;c—Betula;d—Cupressaceae;e—Carpinus;f—Juglans;g—Quercus deciduous;h—Ulmus;i—Hippophae;j—Elaeagnus;k—Poaceae;l—Chenopodiaceae;m—Asteraceae;n—Artemisia;o—Ranunculus;p—Polygonum;q—Rosaceae;r—Lamiaceae;s—Humulus;t—Tribulus

    Figure  12.  HOF results of main modern sopre–pollen species contents vs. mean temperature in July

    图  13  气候环境重建因子对比

    Figure  13.  Comparison of peleoclimatic and environmental reconstruction factors

    图  14  重建降水量和温度的EEMD结果

    Figure  14.  EEMD (Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition) results of reconstructed precipitation and temperature

    图  15  重建降水和温度与北半球中高纬度地质记录对比

    黄色表示暖期;蓝色表示冷期;GIS为格陵兰冰芯记录的千尺度气候突变事件;CIS为亚洲季风记录的千年尺度气候突变事件a—北半球N60°夏季太阳辐射(Berger and Loutre,1991);b、c—文章重建的TJulyPann;d—NGRIP冰芯的δ18O (Veres et al., 2013;AICC 2012时标);e—三宝洞石笋的δ18O (Cheng et al.,2016);f—LR04全球深海地区生物的δ18O (Lisiecki and Raymo,2005

    Figure  15.  Comparison of reconstructed precipitation and temperature with geologic records at mid- to high-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere

    (a) N65° summer insolution (Berger and Loutre, 1991); (b and c) Reconstructed TJuly and Pann in this research; (d) δ18O recorded by NGRIP ice core (Veres et al., 2013); (e) δ18O recorded by Sanbao Cave (Cheng et al.,2016); (f) LR04 δ18O record (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005)Yellow–warm stage; Blue–cold stage; GIS–the abrupt climate change events at the kilo-scale recorded by Greenland ice core; CIS–the abrupt climate change events at the millennial scale recorded by the Asian monsoon

    表  1  LS01钻孔光释光测年结果(许可可等,2021)

    Table  1.   OSL ages and dating parameters of Borehole LS01(Xu et al., 2021)

    LS01-OSL-1 0.04±0.02 15.3 2.71 14.382.17 25±5 3.78±0.21 300.64±11.84 79.58±5.42
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    表  2  气候参数选择结果

    Table  2.   Selection of climatic variables

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    表  3  不同重建模型交叉验证结果

    Table  3.   Cross-validation results of different reconstruction models

    MAT-500 km 75.46 0.77 1.96 0.77 LWWA(classical)-k=30 71.88 0.79 3.01 0.79
    MAT-1000 km 95.71 0.89 2.68 0.82 LWWA(inverse)-k=40 66.19 0.82 2.61 0.84
    MAT-1500 km 136.06 0.89 2.71 0.83 LWWA(classical)-k=40 74.44 0.78 3.14 0.78
    WA(inverse)-500 km 94.61 0.61 2.51 0.62 LWWA(inverse)-k=50 67.17 0.81 2.63 0.84
    WA(classical)-500 km 119.06 0.63 3.18 0.62 LWWA(classical)-k=50 76.21 0.78 3.23 0.77
    WA(monotonic)-500 km 91.20 0.65 2.46 0.63 LWWA(inverse)-k=60 68.29 0.81 2.64 0.84
    WA(expanded)-500 km 99.88 0.63 2.66 0.62 LWWA(classical)-k=60 78.64 0.77 3.32 0.77
    WA(none)-500 km 114.62 0.63 2.97 0.62 LWWA(inverse)-k=70 68.85 0.80 2.69 0.83
    WA(inverse)-1000 km 156.42 0.71 4.00 0.61 LWWA(classical)-k=70 78.60 0.78 3.45 0.75
    WA(classical)-1000 km 184.77 0.71 5.11 0.61 LWWA(inverse)-k=80 69.74 0.80 2.71 0.83
    WA(monotonic)-1000 km 151.50 0.73 3.78 0.65 LWWA(classical)-k=80 78.68 0.78 3.54 0.75
    WA(expanded)-1000 km 162.79 0.71 4.23 0.61 LWWA(inverse)-k=90 70.48 0.79 2.74 0.83
    WA(none)-1000 km 183.41 0.71 4.58 0.61 LWWA(classical)-k=90 79.86 0.77 3.66 0.73
    WA(inverse)-1500 km 197.17 0.78 4.11 0.61 LWWA(inverse)-k=100 70.91 0.79 2.76 0.82
    WA(classical)-1500 km 223.23 0.78 5.25 0.61 LWWA(classical)-k=100 80.19 0.77 3.73 0.73
    WA(monotonic)-1500 km 193.36 0.78 3.91 0.64 LWW-PLS-k=20 58.89 0.86 1.67 0.85
    WA(expanded)-1500 km 203.19 0.78 4.35 0.61 LWW-PLS-k=30 66.00 0.82 1.76 0.81
    WA(none)-1500 km 231.71 0.78 4.67 0.61 LWW-PLS-k=40 66.22 0.82 1.78 0.81
    WA-PLS(Comp5)-500 km 59.09 0.85 1.67 0.83 LWW-PLS-k=50 67.10 0.81 1.81 0.80
    WA-PLS(Comp5)-1000 km 112.40 0.85 2.98 0.78 LWW-PLS-k=60 68.11 0.81 1.82 0.80
    WA-PLS(Comp5)-1500 km 138.94 0.89 3.02 0.79 LWW-PLS-k=70 68.66 0.80 1.82 0.80
    LWWA(inverse)-k=20 59.00 0.86 1.70 0.83 LWW-PLS-k=80 69.11 0.80 1.84 0.79
    LWWA(classical)-k=20 68.29 0.81 2.86 0.81 LWW-PLS-k=90 70.21 0.79 1.86 0.79
    LWWA(inverse)-k=30 66.22 0.82 2.59 0.84 LWW-PLS-k=100 70.60 0.79 1.89 0.78
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    表  4  与其他地区重建模型交叉验证结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of cross-validation results with other regional reconstruction models

    梁琛等,2020 青藏高原若尔盖地区 全新世 WA-PLS TJuly 2.04 ℃ 0.83
    青藏高原若尔盖地区 全新世 WA-PLS TJuly 2.04 ℃ 0.81
    青藏高原若尔盖地区 全新世 WA-PLS TJuly 1.91 ℃ 0.82
    Zhao et al.,2021 青藏高原若尔盖地区 1.74 Ma以来 LWWA-PLS TJuly 3.06 ℃ 0.81
    青藏高原若尔盖地区 1.74 Ma以来 LWWA-PLS Pann 158 mm 0.67
    Lu et al.,2011 青藏高原沉措地区 全新世 LWWA TJuly 2.1 ℃ 0.78
    青藏高原沉措地区 全新世 LWWA Pann 109 mm 0.89
    陈建徽等,2018 黄土高原公海 14 ka以来 WA-PLS Pann 85.85 mm 0.84
    黄土高原六盘山天池 6.2 ka以来 WA-PLS Pann 74.70 mm 0.87
    Wen et al.,2013 内蒙古呼伦湖 全新世 WA-PLS Pann 53.9 mm 0.88
    内蒙古呼伦湖 全新世 WA-PLS TJuly 1.46 ℃ 0.69
    Xu et al.,2010 河南安阳 全新世 MAT Pann 79.00 mm 0.83
    河南安阳 全新世 MAT TJuly 2.6 ℃ 0.52
    河南安阳 全新世 WA-PLS Pann 70.00 mm 0.87
    河南安阳 全新世 WA-PLS TJuly 2.3 ℃ 0.61
    文中 银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 LWWA-PLS Pann 58.89 mm 0.86
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 LWWA-PLS TJuly 1.67 ℃ 0.85
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 LWWA Pann 68.29 mm 0.81
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 LWWA TJuly 2.86 ℃ 0.81
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 WA-PLS Pann 59.09 mm 0.85
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 WA-PLS TJuly 1.67 ℃ 0.83
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 MAT Pann 75.46 mm 0.77
    银川盆地 MIS6—MIS5 MAT TJuly 1.96 ℃ 0.77
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    表  5  重建温度和降水量的IMF贡献率

    Table  5.   IMF (Intrinsic Mode Function) contribution rate of reconstructed temperature and precipitation

    TJuly 周期/ka 1.1 2.3 12 11 45
    贡献率/% 0.2 0.3 55 43 1.5
    排名 5 4 1 2 3
    Pann 周期/ka 0.9 5 12 25 27
    贡献率/% 0.1 0.2 55 42 2.7
    排名 5 4 1 2 3
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