Characterization of the Holocene extensional structures in the Wuwei Basin, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and their formation mechanism
摘要: 武威盆地位于青藏高原东北缘北祁连山与龙首山之间的河西走廊东端,全新世期间处于北东向挤压环境中。野外地质调查发现,武威盆地内部发育有两组走向近于垂直的正断层,即北西西走向和北东走向的正断层。光释光测年结果表明,两组正断层在0.70 ka、0.49~0.18 ka发生了两期构造活动。分析结果认为,北西西走向正断层是由武威盆地内部坟门山隆起持续隆升所产生的垂直于地层层面的差异应力作用所形成;北东走向正断层可能是盆地两侧近东西走向左旋走滑断裂控制下形成的张性破裂(T破裂),也不排除是由在青藏高原北东向挤压作用下,与挤压应力相垂直方向上的伸展作用形成。因此,晚全新世期间武威盆地的构造变形受到青藏高原东北缘构造的控制。Abstract: The Wuwei Basin at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor, between the North Qilian Mountain and the Longshou Mountain in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, was in a NE-trending compressional environment during the Holocene. Our field survey results indicate that there are two groups of near-vertical normal faults, namely the NWW-trending and NE-trending faults. The OSL dating results show that the two groups of normal faults experienced two periods of tectonic activity in 0.70 ka and 0.49~0.18 ka. The analysis concludes that the NWW-trending normal faults were formed by the differential stress perpendicular to the stratigraphy, which was produced by the continuous uplift of the Fenmenshan uplift in the Wuwei Basin. The NE-trending normal faults could be the extensional rupture (T rupture) produced by the nearly EW-trending sinistral strike-slip faults on both sides of the Wuwei Basin, or be formed by the extension vertical to the NE-trending compression of the Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, the tectonic deformation in the Wuwei Basin was controlled by the tectonic activities in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Holocene.
Key words:
- northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau /
- Wuwei Basin /
- Holocene /
- normal fault /
- Hexi Corridor
图 1 武威盆地区域构造简图(据Zheng et al., 2010修改)
Figure 1. Regional structural sketch of the Wuwei Basin (modified from Zheng et al., 2010)
QLNF-Northern Qilianshan Fault; HYF-Haiyuan Fault; XS-TJF-Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault; ML-YCF-Minle-Yongchang Fault; HY-SDF-Hongyashan-Sidaoshan Fault; LSSF-Southern Longshoushan Fault; LSNF-Northern Longshoushan Fault; PDSF-Southern Basin Fault
图 2 武威盆地研究区地质简图(据何翔等,2022修改)
Figure 2. Geological sketch of the Wuwei Basin (modified from He et al., 2022)
LSSF-Southern Longshoushan Fault; HY-SDF-Hongyashan-Sidaoshan Fault; LS-WW-GHF-Langshan-Wuwei-Gonghe Fault; FMNF-Northern Fenmenshan Fault; FMSF-Southern Fenmenshan Fault; PDSF-Southern Basin Fault
图 3 武威盆地北西西走向断层剖面图(地层划分据何翔等,2022)
Figure 3. Profiles of the NWW-trending faults in the Wuwei Basin (Stratigraphic division is from He et al., 2022)
(a) Photo showing the NWW-trending normal fault at D1; (b) Photo showing the NWW-trending normal fault at D2; (c) Geologic sketch showing the NWW-trending normal fault at D1; (d) Geologic sketch showing the NWW-trending normal fault at D2
图 4 武威盆地北东走向断层剖面图(地层划分据何翔等,2022)
Figure 4. Profiles of the NE-trending faults in the Wuwei Basin (Stratigraphic division is from He et al., 2022)
(a) Photo showing the NE-trending normal fault at D3; (b) Geologic sketch showing the NE-trending normal fault at D3; (c) Photo showing the NE-trending normal fault at D4; (d) Geologic sketch showing the NE-trending normal fault at D4
图 5 武威盆地内部断层发育模式图(地层划分据何翔等,2022)
a—武威盆地内北西西走向正断层分布图;b—武威盆地内北东走向正断层分布图;c—坟门山隆起发育初期的武威盆地示意图;d—坟门山隆起发育后期的武威盆地示意图Figure 5. Fault development model in the Wuwei Basin (Stratigraphic division is from He et al., 2022)
(a) Distribution diagram of the NWW-trending normal faults in the Wuwei Basin; (b) Distribution diagram of the NE-trending normal faults in the Wuwei Basin; (c) Diagram of the Wuwei Basin in the early stage of the Fenmenshan uplift; (d) Diagram of the Wuwei Basin in the late stage of the Fenmenshan uplift
FMNF-Northern Fenmenshan Fault; FMSF-Southern Fenmenshan Fault; HY-SDF-Hongyashan-Sidaoshan Fault; PDSF-Southern Basin Fault; QLNF-Northern Qilianshan Fault表 1 光释光样品测年数据
Table 1. Optically stimulated luminescence data of the five samples
野外编号 U/(μg/g) Th/(μg/g) K/% 环境剂量率/(Gy/ka) 等效剂量/Gy 年龄/ka OSL-1 3.49±0.11 12.3±0.37 1.82±0.05 4.44±0.33 0.77±0.08 0.18±0.02 OSL-2 3.39±0.10 13.8±0.41 1.81±0.05 4.68±0.36 0.90±0.08 0.19±0.02 OSL-3 2.10±0.06 10.3±0.31 1.91±0.06 3.29±0.15 1.41±0.13 0.43±0.04 OSL-4 3.62±0.11 17.9±0.54 2.01±0.06 4.30±0.19 2.12±0.18 0.49±0.05 OSL-5 3.36±0.10 17.5±0.52 1.93±0.06 4.15±0.18 2.88±0.24 0.70±0.07 -
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