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娄元林 唐侥 郭威 李毅 袁永盛 杨桃

娄元林, 唐侥, 郭威, 等, 2022. 西藏隆子县那穷锑金矿地质特征及找矿前景分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (3): 406-416. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021143
引用本文: 娄元林, 唐侥, 郭威, 等, 2022. 西藏隆子县那穷锑金矿地质特征及找矿前景分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (3): 406-416. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021143
LOU Yuanlin, TANG Yao, GUO Wei, et al., 2022. Geologic characteristics of the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit and prospecting prediction for Au-polymetallic deposits in Longzi County, Tibet. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (3): 406-416. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021143
Citation: LOU Yuanlin, TANG Yao, GUO Wei, et al., 2022. Geologic characteristics of the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit and prospecting prediction for Au-polymetallic deposits in Longzi County, Tibet. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (3): 406-416. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021143


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021143

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 1212011121236

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 12120114083501


    娄元林(1988—), 男, 工程师, 主要从事矿产地质调查及矿产勘查工作。E-mail: 420418599@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P611;P618

Geologic characteristics of the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit and prospecting prediction for Au-polymetallic deposits in Longzi County, Tibet


the Projects of China Geological Survey 1212011121236

the Projects of China Geological Survey 12120114083501

  • 摘要: 那穷锑金矿是近年来通过区域地质矿产调查在西藏自治区隆子县新发现的金多金属矿床,其矿化带受断裂构造控制。目前该矿床研究程度相对较低,若对其成矿地质条件、地质特征及找矿潜力等内容进行专门性和系统性研究,可为该矿床的下步找矿勘探工作提供依据。文章通过总结区域成矿地质背景,分析了该矿床地质特征、地球物理与地球化学异常特征、包裹体地球化学特征,并结合遥感地质特征和异常查证开展相关研究工作,结果表明:矿体主要产于上三叠统涅如组中,受东西向次级断裂构造带控制,目前共发现3条破碎蚀变带;土壤地球化学剖面测量工作中,选择了Sb、Au、As、Bi、Cu作为Sb及多金属成矿指示元素,共圈定单元素异常10处,各元素异常套合较好;激电中梯测量共圈定极化体2条,视极化率异常3处;与成矿有关的流体包裹体类型主要为富液包裹体,并推测矿区流体为含微量CO2、N2气体的中低温低盐度NaCl-H2O热液体系。综合分析认为那穷锑金矿区具备优越的成矿条件,具有寻找金多金属矿的潜力。


  • 图  1  西藏古堆-隆子地区区域构造纲要及矿产分布图(据娄元林等,2019许云鹏,2021修改)


    Figure  1.  Regional tectonics and mine distribution in the Gudui-Longzi area, Tibet (modified from Lou et al., 2019; Xu, 2021)

    (a) Sketch map showing the tectonic units in the Gudui-Longzi area; (b) Distribution of mines in the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit and surrounding areas
    1-Quaternary alluvial-glacial accumulation; 2-Jurassic-Cretaceous littoral and shallow sea clastic rock formation, volcanic clastic rock formation; 3-Jurassic marine clastic rock formation, volcanic clastic rock formation, carbonate rock formation; 4-Late Triassic marine clastic rock formation, volcanic clastic rock formation; 5-Miocene Ermo-feldspar granite; 6-Eocene quartz diorite; 7-Late Cretaceous diabase porphyrite; 8-Undetermined dikes; 9-Extensional detachment fault; 10-Ductile shear zone; 11-Measured transcurrent fault; 12-Inferred transcurrent fault; 13-Measured fault line; 14-Inferred fault line; 15-Parallel unconformity boundary; 16-Angular unconformity boundary; 17-Anticline axis; 18-Syncline axis; 19-Geologic boundary; 20-Typical Sb-Pn-Zn deposit; 21-Typical Sb-Au deposit; 22-Typical Sb deposit; 23-Typical Zn deposit; 24-Typical Au deposit; 25-Typical Cu deposit; 26-Place names; 27-The Naqiong Sb-Au deposit and its mining areas; Ⅰ-Yalashangbo metamorphic core complex; Ⅱ-Zhuomuri-Supoxia thrust nappe belt; Ⅲ-Jiawu-Duori fold and thrust belt

    图  2  那穷锑金矿综合地质图


    Figure  2.  A generalized geological map of the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    1-Quaternary; 2-The third member of the Upper Triassic Nieru Formation; 3-The sccond member of the Triassic Nieru Formation; 4-The first member of the Upper Triassic Nieru Formation; 5-Diabase; 6-Basaltic andesite; 7-Geologic boundary; 8-Fault and number; 9-Apparent polarizability anomaly and number of geophysical prospecting; 10-Au anomaly and number in 1:50000-scale stream sediment survey; 11-Sb anomaly and number in 1:50000-scale stream sediment survey; 12-Au anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 13-As anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 14-Sb anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 15-Bi anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 16-Ag anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 17-Cu anomaly and number in soil geochemical profile survey; 18-Fractured alteration zone and number; 19-Exploration trench and number; 20-Au grade/thickness; 21-Lines and numbers of the induced polarization intermediate gradient survey profile

    图  3  那穷锑金矿TC004素描图


    Figure  3.  A sketch map of TC004 in the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    1-Quaternary; 2-Diabase; 3-Slate; 4-Fractures slate; 5-Stibnite mineralization; 6-Sampling point and number; 7-Occurrence; 8-Direction and Angle of conductor

    图  4  那穷锑金矿矿石露头照片


    Figure  4.  Photos showing the outcrops in the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    (a) No.3 mineralized zone revealed by TC004; (b) Stibnite ore (fractured altered rock); c-Siltstone with quartz veins (surrounding rock)

    图  5  那穷锑金矿激电中梯视极化率剖面平面图及等值线异常图


    Figure  5.  Intermediate gradient apparent polarizability profile plane and contour anomaly diagram in induced polarization of the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    (a) Apparent polarizability profile plane; (b) Apparent polarizability contour anomaly diagram

    图  6  那穷锑金矿流体包裹体显微镜下照片

    L—液相; V—气相

    Figure  6.  Microscope photos of fluid inclusions in the Naqiong deposit

    (a) Banded distribution of inclusions; (b) Clustered distribution of inclusions; (c) Liquid-rich inclusions and gas inclusions; (d) Liquid-rich inclusions
    L-Liquid phase; V-Vapor phase

    表  1  那穷锑金矿土壤剖面测量异常特征表

    Table  1.   Anomaly characteristics of the soil profile survey in the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    异常编号 异常下限 面积/km2 形状 浓度分带 最高值 平均值 衬度 规模/km2 异常点数/个
    Au-1 2.5 0.06 椭圆状 8.25 4.75 1.90 0.12 7
    Au-2 2.5 0.02 椭圆状 4.42 3.45 1.38 0.02 6
    Au-3 2.5 0.01 椭圆状 4.65 3.79 1.52 0.02 6
    As-1 50.0 0.28 不规则状 144.00 80.61 1.61 0.45 36
    As-2 50.0 0.10 椭圆状 外、中、内 324.00 163.01 3.26 0.31 18
    Sb-1 2.5 0.21 不规则状 外、中 10.20 6.03 2.41 0.50 31
    Sb-2 2.5 0.07 椭圆状 外、中 7.58 5.43 2.17 0.15 18
    Cu-1 54.0 0.17 不规则状 65.60 60.58 1.12 0.19 13
    Cu-2 54.0 0.08 条带状 68.20 61.41 1.14 0.10 7
    Bi-1 1.0 0.17 椭圆状 外、中 5.21 1.91 1.91 0.32 28
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    表  2  那穷锑金矿激电中梯异常特征表

    Table  2.   Anomaly characteristics of intermediate gradient in induced polarization(IP) in the Naqiong Sb-Au deposit

    异常编号 形态特征 地质特征 异常分类
    ηs-1 位于矿区西南部,串珠状分布,北东走向,长约800 m,宽约200 m,南西端未封闭;视极化率异常下限7.9%,最大值14%,平均值约为13%,极化较强,视电阻率平均值约为120 Ω·m 异常位置出露岩性为上三叠统涅如组(T3n)灰色粉砂质绢云母板岩夹中厚层状细粒岩屑杂砂岩 丙2
    ηs-2 位于矿区南部,条带状分布,长约2000 m,宽约200 m,南端未封闭;视极化率异常下限7.9%,最大值14.5%,平均值13%,极化较强,视电阻率平均值为120 Ω·m 乙3
    ηs-3 位于矿区东南部,条带状分布,长约1600 m,宽约100 m,南东端未封闭;视极化率异常下限7.9%,最大值14.8%,平均值13.5%,极化较强,视电阻率平均值为120 Ω·m 乙3
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