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吴迅达 廖晋 孙文钊 刘平 李春雷

吴迅达, 廖晋, 孙文钊, 等, 2021. 莺歌海盆地天然气运聚成藏条件与分布富集规律. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 963-974. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.078
引用本文: 吴迅达, 廖晋, 孙文钊, 等, 2021. 莺歌海盆地天然气运聚成藏条件与分布富集规律. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 963-974. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.078
WU Xunda, LIAO Jin, SUN Wenzhao, et al., 2021. Natural gas distribution and reservoir-forming law of the Yinggehai Basin, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 963-974. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.078
Citation: WU Xunda, LIAO Jin, SUN Wenzhao, et al., 2021. Natural gas distribution and reservoir-forming law of the Yinggehai Basin, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 963-974. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.078


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.078

    吴迅达(1984-), 男, 硕士, 工程师, 从事石油地质学研究工作。E-mail: wuxd1@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122;P618.13

Natural gas distribution and reservoir-forming law of the Yinggehai Basin, China

  • 摘要: 油气勘探实践表明莺歌海盆地的天然气形成、分布及保存均与底辟区超压体系密切相关。文章根据地震、测井及地质资料与钻探成果,系统地分析总结了莺歌海盆地天然气生成、运聚及富集成藏特征。研究表明,莺歌海盆地天然气分布往往具有浅层气田沿中央泥底辟带分布、中深层岩性气藏分布于底辟构造翼部的特征,且具有"流体超压驱动、底辟裂缝输导、重力流扇体储集、高压泥岩封盖、天然气幕式脱溶成藏"的运聚成藏及富集规律。


  • 图  1  莺歌海盆地构造单元划分及油气田位置

    Figure  1.  Map showing tectonic units and locations of petroleum field in the Yinggehai Basin

    图  2  中新统—渐新统不同组段和始新统烃源岩成熟度(RO)等值线图

    a—梅山组; b—三亚组; c—陵水组; d—始新统

    Figure  2.  Contour maps showing the maturity (RO) of the source rocks of the Miocene and Oligocene in different formations and in the Eocene

    (a)Meishan Formation; (b)Sanya Formation; (c)Lingshui Formation; (d)Eocene

    图  3  莺歌海盆地中新统梅山组一段—上新统莺歌海组层序地层格架

    Figure  3.  Sequence stratigraphic framework of the first member of the Miocene Meishan Formation—Pliocene Yinggehai Formation in the Yinggehai Basin

    图  4  黄流组西物源海底扇沉积地震相(剖面位置见图 1)

    Figure  4.  Sedimentary seismic facies of the western provenance submarine fan of the Huangliu Formation(Location of the profile is shown in Fig. 1)

    图  5  莺歌海盆地中央泥底辟带东方区晚中新世—上新世海底扇沉积模式

    Figure  5.  Sedimentary patterns of late Miocene—Pliocene submarine fans in the eastern zone of the central mud diapir zone in the Yinggehai Basin

    图  6  中央泥底辟带乐东区浅层气田群储层沉积及分布模式

    Figure  6.  Reservoir deposition and distribution model of shallow gas field group in the Ledong area of the central mud diapir zone

    图  7  莺歌海盆地中央泥底辟带微断裂系统与浅层天然气流井分布关系


    Figure  7.  Relationship between the microfracture system in the central mud diapir zone and the distribution of shallow natural gas flow wells in the Yinggehai Basin

    Note: The red fuzzy area represents the microfissure area

    图  8  过东方1-1构造相干体三维及平面显示图

    Figure  8.  Three-dimensional and planar display of the coherence volume passing through the Dongfang 1-1 structure

    (a) Three-dimensional display of the coherence volume; (b) Variance slice at 3000 ms

    表  1  东方区高温超压气藏盖层与天然气微观封闭能力特征对比表

    Table  1.   Parameter comparison table for cap rock of gas reservoir with high temperature and over pressure vesus micro-sealing capacity

    井号 气组 盖层突破压力/MPa 储层排替压力/MPa 平均压力比值 测井解释
    DF-A 2.338~11.84 0.02~0.059 161.25 气层
    DF-B 2.645~7.425 0.001~0.199 150.17 气层
    DF-C 15.61~29.67 0.002~0.67 94.09 气层、气水同层、含气水层、水层
    DF-D 15.61~29.67 0.002~0.67 596.25 气层
    DF-E Ⅱb 20.76~83.04 0.003~0.94 662.11 气层
    DF-F 5.367~98.69 0.007~0.866 1283.86 气层
    DF-G Ⅱb 4.38~98.70 0.02~0.71 1093.71 气层
    DF-H T30-A1 0.742~8.203 0.023~0.73 4.80 差气层
    DF-I T30-A5 1.09~9.09 0.005~1.091 43.73 含气水层
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    表  2  东方区高温超压气藏盖层与天然气宏观封闭能力特征对比表

    Table  2.   Parameter comparison table for cap rock of gas reservoir with high temperature and over pressure vesus macro-sealing capacity

    井号 地层压力系数 地层构造倾角 气藏剩余压力/MPa 盖层封闭压力/MPa 破裂压力/MPa 储层流体压力/MPa
    DF-A 1.96 3.4° 31.51 27.93 69.66 64.33
    DF-B 1.90 1.9° 25.47 27.47 61.36 53.78
    DF-C 1.93 1.9° 26.73 27.75 62.84 55.47
    DF-D 1.97 1.9° 28.03 29.22 62.07 56.93
    DF-E 1.76 1.1° 22.34 32.34 61.74 53.00
    DF-F 1.82 1.1° 23.30 34.75 62.52 52.70
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