Analysis on the application prospect of ASR in-situ stress measurement method in underground mine
摘要: 现今地应力状态是井下矿山建设、巷道稳定性分析和冲击地压(煤与瓦斯突出)预测等方面的重要基础数据。目前井下矿山地应力测试主要以空芯包体解除法为主,实践中发现空芯包体解除应力计安装过程中,易出现不能与孔壁完全黏贴的情况,导致测试成功率较低且劳动强度较大。文章介绍了一种基于定向岩芯卸荷后非(滞)弹性恢复变形测量的近原位地应力测试方法(简称ASR法),并通过与水压致裂地应力测试结果对比,验证了ASR地应力测试方法的有效性。ASR法的可重复性结果表明,同一测点ASR地应力测量结果平均差系数最大为6.29%,验证了ASR地应力测量方法的可靠性。预期ASR法以其安全、高效且不受测量深度和测试环境限制等优点,在井下矿山地应力测试中具有广阔的应用前景。Abstract: Present in-situ stress state is an important data for the underground construction, tunnel stability analysis and rock burst (coal and gas burst) prediction in underground mine. At present, in-situ stress measurement in underground mine is mainly based on hollow inclusion gauge method. In practice, it is found that the stress meter of hollow inclusion gauge often fails to fully adhere to the borehole wall, which brings the low success rate and high labor intensity. In this paper, the anelastic strain recovery (ASR in short) in-situ stress measurement method based on the oriented cores is introduced. The effectiveness of ASR method are analyzed by comparing the test results with that obtained through the hydraulic fracturing method. The reliability of the ASR method is also analyzed by the repeatable test results. The results show that the maximum value of mean deviation parameter is 6.29%. The ASR method will have broad application prospects on in-situ stress measurement in underground mine with the advantages of safety, high efficiency and immunity to the limitation of depth and measurement environment.
表 1 ASR法与水压致裂法地应力测量结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of in-situ measurement results from the ASR method and the hydraulic fracturing method
岩芯编号 深度/m σH/MPa σh/MPa σv/MPa ASR法 1260.00 42.03 29.09 33.40 水压致裂法 1267.00 50.79 32.52 33.58 均值 1263.50 46.41 30.81 33.49 注:σH-最大水平主应力;σh-最小水平主应力;σv-垂向应力;σv根据上覆岩层重量计算(岩石密度取2.65 g/cm3)。 表 2 ASR法地应力重复测量结果
Table 2. Repeated measurement results through the ASR method
岩芯编号 深度/m σ1/MPa σ2/MPa σ3/MPa σH/MPa σh/MPa σv/MPa ASR1 3620.9 120.6 79.3 69.2 112.3 79.1 97.7 ASR2 3621.1 126.4 89.0 78.5 117.2 78.9 97.8 均值 2621.0 123.5 84.2 73.9 114.8 79 97.8 平均差系数 — 2.35% 5.76% 6.29% 2.13% 0.13% 0.05% 注:σ1-最大主应力;σ2-最大主应力;σ3-中间主应力;σH-最大水平主应力;σh-最小水平主应力;σv-垂向应力;σv根据上覆岩层重量计算(岩石密度取2.70 g/cm3)。平均差系数采用常用的统计学公式计算 -
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