摘要: 隐伏矿是当前矿产地质勘查的重点对象。在综合研究冀北地区1:20万区域示矿信息基础上,优选出锥子山花岗岩体一带的龙头山为找矿靶区,研究显示其具有较好的找矿潜力。1:5万水系沉积物地球化学测量圈定出11处综合异常;其中H6异常属于矿致异常。H6异常经1:1万地物化测量显示:Ag、Pb、Zn、Au等元素异常值高,具有外带—中带—内带三级分带;同时具有中低阻高极化的激电异常、蚀变矿(化)带与物化探异常相耦合的特征。通过进行系统地不同尺度地物化测量,缩小了找矿靶区,经工程验证发现了龙头山铅多金属矿床。矿体赋存在北西西向延伸、宽30~60 m的龙头山(F3)断裂构造系统中、产状较陡,赋矿围岩为太古界单塔子群(花岗)片麻岩和晚侏罗世张家口组安山岩,矿石多为细脉—浸染状、致密块状构造,矿床特征与毗邻的小扣花营、牛圈等多金属矿床类似,属于中低温热液脉型铅多金属矿床。最后,根据大比例尺地物化示矿信息特征,厘定了热液脉型铅多金属矿床的找矿标志,建立了地物化综合找矿模型,有利于推进冀北地区的找矿勘查。Abstract: Concealed ore is the key object of mineral exploration at present. Based on the 1:200000 regional prospecting information in northern Hebei province, the Longtoushan prospecting target around the Zhuizishan granite mass has good prospecting potential. 1:50000 geochemical survey of stream sediement delineates 11 comprehensive anomalies, among them, H6 anomaly is the mineral-induced anomaly. The results of the 1:10000 geological, geophysical and geochemical survey show that anomaly of Ag, Pb, Zn, Au and other elements have high outlier values, with three levels of zones from the outer zone, middle zone to the inner zone. It has the characteristics of low resistance and high polarization induced electrical anomaly. Altered and mineralized zones are coupled with geophysical and geochemical anomalies. Through systematic geophysical and geochemical survey of different scales and the engineering verification, the Longtoushan lead polymetallic deposit was discovered. Orebodies occur in the F3 fault system with NWW extending and 30~60 m wide. The wall rocks are the archean Dantazi group gneiss and late Jurassic Zhangjiakou group andesite. The ores are mostly vein-disseminated and dense block structured, and the deposit features are similar to the adjacent Xiaokouhuaying deposit, the Niujuan deposit and other polymetallic deposits, belonging to the medium-low temperature hydrothermal vein type lead polymetallic deposit. According to the characteristics of geological, geophysical and geochemical prospecting information, the integrated prospecting model is established and the prospecting indicators of hydrothermal vein type lead polymetallic deposits are determined, which is conducive to advancing the prospecting and exploration in northern Hebei province.
表 1 龙头山铅多金属矿区岩石、矿石物性参数测量表
Table 1. The physical properties of rocks and ores in the Longtoushan lead-polymetallic deposit
岩性 极化率ηs/% 电阻率ρs/(Ω·m) min max 常见值 min max 常见值 角闪斜长片麻岩 0.76 2 1.13 28 217 83 片麻岩 0.72 1.55 1.18 418 1859 998 潜流纹岩 0.65 1.84 0.93 23 96 33 花岗岩脉 0.60 1.91 1.36 154 2884 856 矿化蚀变带 0.09 0.98 0.48 43 226 125 铅多金属矿(化)体 1.00 17.82 7.19 2 95 29 表 2 冀北地区铅多金属矿床地质-地球物理-地球化学综合找矿信息表
Table 2. The comprehensive prospecting information of the lead-polymetallic deposit in northern Hebei province
信息类别 找矿标志和信息 地质 地层条件 太古界单塔子群片麻岩是较为有利的赋矿围岩 构造条件 受次级断裂构造控制,以北西断裂为主,微细裂隙发育 岩浆岩条件 矿体主要产于燕山期安山岩中,且伴有大量脉岩 围岩蚀变 硅化、高岭土化、萤石化、青磐岩化等 矿种类型 铅及银锌金等多金属矿化、铁锰矿化 主要金属矿物 原生矿物主要有黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿等;次生矿物有褐铁矿、硬锰矿等 主要非金属矿物 石英、方解石、萤石、绿泥石、绿帘石 地球化学 1:5万水系沉积物测量 异常面积大,成矿元素齐全、组合好;具有明确的元素分带 1:1万土壤地球化学测量 成矿元素异常值高、耦合好;有浓集中心且浓度分带明显 成矿元素组合 Pb、Zn、Ag、Au、As、Sb Pb与Mn、Ag等成矿元素呈正相关关系 地球物理 1:1万激电中梯测量 低阻高极化激电异常是较为有利的地球物理找矿标志。 物化探组合异常 与不同尺度的地球化学异常耦合的条带状激电异常带 -
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