摘要: 构建了等直径不同裂隙密度和等裂隙密度不同裂隙直径两组物理模型,进行不同围压条件下多方向的超声波速度测试,并运用Hudson理论进行了理论模型计算。结果显示,计算与实测结果吻合较好。随围压的增大,纵、横波速度均近线性增加,纵、横波各向异性基本保持不变;裂隙密度从2%增大到6%,纵波速度不同程度降低,其中慢纵波降低幅度相对较大,快横波变化不明显,而慢横波则大幅降低。随着裂隙密度的增大,纵、横波各向异性均增大,且横波各向异性增加速率大于纵波;裂隙直径从2 mm增大到3 mm,快纵波速度增加很小,慢纵波增加明显,横波速度均不发生改变。随着裂隙直径的增大,纵波各向异性逐渐降低,横波各向异性保持不变。最后结合试验结果分析了Hudson理论在不同深度进行参数预测的必要条件。研究结果有助于油气生产、地下水的开采与控制、污染处理等。Abstract: It is very helpful in petroleum production, groundwater exploration and to disposal of pollution to investigate the seismic property of the crustal rocks included cracks or fractures. Two group physical models with the same diameter varying crack density and the same density varying diameters were constructed. The seismic velocities were measured under different confining pressure and calculated by numerical simulation based on Hudson theory. The calculated and measured results show that the Vp and Vs nearly increase linearity and there anisotropy keep nearly stable constant with confining pressure. Vp circles decrease with the crack density varying from 2% to 6%. Moreover, the slow Vp decrease more amplitude than the fast Vp which maintains nearly stable, the Vp and Vs anisotropy all increase with the crack density ranging from 2% to 6%.With the crack diameter varying from 2 mm to 3 mm, the Vp increases, but the Vp anisotropy decreases, Vs and the Vs anisotropy nearly remain constant. Comparing the experimental and the theoretical calculated results, new conclusion of Hudson theory used in different depth was discussed, and the primary constraint of its application were analyzed. It is very helpful in petroleum production, exploration of groundwater and disposal of pollution to investigaste the seismic property of the crustal rocks with cracks or fractures.
Key words:
- crack /
- Hudson theory /
- rock physical model /
- velocity /
- confining pressure
表 1 样品参数信息
Table 1. Sample parameters
样品编号 直径/mm 高度/mm 裂隙密度/% 裂隙直径/mm 密度/(g·cm-3) M0 25.40 37.12 - - 1.109 M1-1 25.38 47.48 0 - 1.174 Z02X 25.32 43.26 2 2 1.168 Z02Y 25.42 48.82 2 2 1.180 Z02Z 25.42 43.46 2 2 1.174 Z04X 25.42 47.84 4 2 1.176 Z04Y 25.44 47.66 4 2 1.176 Z04Z 25.42 47.52 4 2 1.175 Z06X 25.40 49.42 6 2 1.166 Z06Y 25.42 49.56 6 2 1.178 Z06Z 25.42 47.36 6 2 1.177 Z08X 25.42 45.74 4 2.5 1.169 Z08Y 25.40 47.02 4 2.5 1.176 Z08Z 25.42 48.82 4 2.5 1.171 Z10X 25.42 49.02 4 3 1.173 Z10Y 25.42 48.16 4 3 1.176 Z10Z 25.40 47.74 4 3 1.175 -
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