摘要: 综述了哈萨克斯坦巴尔喀什成矿带萨亚克大型铜矿田地质特征、矿田构造与成矿模式。萨亚克铜矿田是中亚成矿域巴尔喀什成矿带唯一的以矽卡岩型铜矿化为主的大型铜矿床, 产在萨亚克地堑复向斜内。该矿田包括几个在空间上相对独立的矽卡岩型铜矿床、斑岩型铜钼网状脉矿床和一系列石英脉型矿脉, 构成了斑岩型和矽卡岩型两个端元形成的成矿系列, 但以矽卡岩型为主。矿床主要位于中石炭世灰岩与晚石炭世花岗岩类的接触带上, 具有独特的矽卡岩型Cu-Au-Mo矿化组合, 成矿时代为海西中晚期, 根据本研究进行的锆石SHR I MP定年结果, 主要与次要成矿期年龄分别为335±2Ma和308±10Ma。金属矿床主要赋存在地堑复向斜内局部发育的鞍状背斜顶部, 部分富矿体的产出严格受断裂构造-岩浆活动的控制。闪长岩与铜矿化作用的关系最为密切, 铜含量可高达1%以上;其次, 花岗闪长岩与铜矿化的关系也较为密切, 铜含量可达0.2%以上。萨亚克矽卡岩型铜矿田铜保有储量约为57.5万吨。Abstract: The Sayak ore field is the only area with the occurrence of large-scale skarn-type copper deposit in Balkhash metallogenic belt, Kazakhstan, Central Asia. In this paper the geological characteristics, ore-field structures and metallogenic model of Sayak ore field are described in detail. Sayak ore field is located in the Sayak graben-synclinorium, including several spatially isolated skarn copper deposits, porphyry Cu (Mo) deposits, Cu-Mo veins and a series quartz vein deposits, which consist of a metallogenic series with skarn-type and porphyry deposits as the two end deposits. The deposits in the ore-field are mainly located in the contact zone between the Middle Carboniferous limestones and the Late Carboniferous granitoids, with a special assemblage of skarn-type Cu-Au-Mo mineralizations. The metallogenic time of main copper deposits in Sayak ore-field is in the Middle to Late Hercynian, with the main and secondary metallogenic ages of 335±2 Ma and 308±10Ma, respectively. The ore bodies are mainly located in the saddle-top segments of locally developed anticlines in the graben-synclinorium, strongly controlled by the tectono-magmatism activities. The most relative granitoids with the copper metallogenesis in Sayak ore field are diorite with Cu content up to >1% and granodiorite up to >0.2%. The copper reserve in the Sayak ore field is estimated to be ~575 kt Cu.
图 1 萨亚克矿田区域地质简图与剖面图
1. Ushmalinskaya组(C3u)安山质和安山玄武质斑岩; 2~10.萨亚克统凝灰质陆源沉积物: 2. Kungisayakskaya组(C2ks); 3. Tastykudukskaya组(C2ts); 4. Burultasskaya组(C1b); 5.砂岩; 6.砾岩和粗砂岩; 7.凝灰质粉砂岩; 8.灰岩; 9.砂岩中含钛磁铁矿夹层; 10.酸性成分凝灰岩和熔结凝灰岩; 11.下石炭统凝灰质陆源沉积物; 12~13.上泥盆统(12)和中-下泥盆统(13)火山-陆源沉积物; 14.志留系细粒陆源碎屑沉积物; 15.上奥陶统Kazykskaya组(O3kz)细碧角斑岩建造; 16.中奥陶统Itmurundinskaya组(O3it)拉斑玄武岩建造; 17~19.次火山侵入体: 17.辉绿岩; 18.闪长玢岩; 19.流纹斑岩; 20~24.晚石炭世花岗岩类: 20.斜长花岗岩和黑云母角闪石花岗岩; 21.英云闪长岩和石英闪长岩; 22.花岗闪长岩和二长花岗闪长岩; 23.闪长岩, 二长闪长岩和辉长岩; 24.闪长岩; 25.岩墙: a-花岗斑岩和斜长花岗斑岩, b-花岗闪长斑岩, c-闪长玢岩和辉绿岩; 26.超基性岩; 27.矽卡岩; 28.破碎带; 29.逆冲断层; 30.矽卡岩型(a)、斑岩型(b)和石英脉型(c)Cu-Mo-Au矿床Figure 1. Geological position of the Sayak group deposits and geological section on ABC line
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图 2 萨亚克矿田矿床产出部位与区域磁场(A)和元素分散晕(B)的关系
(A)磁场强度T(单位: 102伽马)等值线: a-正, b-零, c-负; (B)1.萨亚克统(C1~C2)凝灰质陆源沉积物, 含灰岩条带; 2. Ushmalinskaya组安山质和安山玄武质斑岩喷出岩; 3.花岗岩类; 4.裂隙; 5-9.地球化学晕中金属元素含量等值线(B): 5. Cu0.005~0.01(a)和0.03(b); 6. As0.01(a)和0.03(b); 7. Pb0.005(a)和0.01(b); 8. Mo0.0005~0.001; 9. W0.005~0.01; 10.矽卡岩型(a)、斑岩型(b)和石英脉型(c)Cu-Mo-Au矿床Figure 2. Position of the Sayak group deposits relative to the magnetic field(A)and dispersion aureols of elements(B)
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图 3 萨亚克矿田矿床分布与Lebaiskaya背斜鞍状枢纽的关系(A-平面图, B-联立剖面)
1-4.Tastykudukskaya组(C2ts)凝灰质碳酸盐岩陆源沉积物: 1.凝灰质粉砂岩; 2.复矿碎屑岩砂岩; 3.灰岩; 4.钙质砂岩(a)和凝灰质粉砂岩(b); 5. Ushmalinskaya组安山质和安山玄武质斑岩; 6.次火山闪长玢岩和辉绿岩; 7.闪长岩和石英闪长岩; 8.花岗闪长岩; 9-10.岩墙: 9.闪长玢岩和辉绿岩岩墙; 10.斜长花岗斑岩; 11.石榴子石矽卡岩; 12-13.矿石: 12. Au-Cu-磁铁矿; 13. Au-Mo-Cu; 14.断裂和裂隙; 15. Lebaiskaya背斜鞍状枢纽和投影方向Figure 3. Relationship of the Sayak deposit to saddle-shaped hingle of the Lebaiskayaanticline(A-plan, B-block diagram)
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图 4 萨亚克矿田矿石交代分带(A)和矿床成因模式(B)
1-8.侵入岩外接触带(1-4, 矽卡岩型)和花岗岩类内部(5-8, 斑岩型铜矿)的矿石交代分带现象: 1.石榴子石-金-脆硫铜铋矿-辉钼矿-斑铜矿-黄铜矿; 2.绿帘石-阳起石-Au-Bi-黄铜矿-pyrrotite; 3.石英-方解石-绿泥石-斧石-硅硼钙石-含金辉砷镍矿-砷黄铁矿-辉钴矿; 4.石英-方解石-绿泥石-方铅矿-闪锌矿矿脉; 5.石英-电气石-含金辉钼矿-斑铜矿-黄铜矿矿脉; 6.石英-钾长石蚀变; 7.葡萄石-绿帘石-绿泥石蚀变; 8.石英-绢云母-黄铁矿-辉钼矿-黄铜矿矿物组合; 9.砂岩; 10.凝灰质粉砂岩; 11.灰岩; 12.花岗闪长岩、闪长岩; 13-14.各种类型热液蚀变(13)和成矿作用(14)的形成温度; 15.岩浆成因流体(a)和加热大气降水(b)的迁移路线; 16-17.含有同生成矿作用的岩石夹层和建造: Co(16a), Fe(16b), Cu(17a), B(17b); 18.具有显著增加的成矿金属元素背景含量(Kk=2.5-40)的岩石组合; 19.受岩浆再生作用和岩石的热液变质交代作用(红色)活化的成矿金属元素; 20.岩浆成因流体(蓝色)导入的组分。矩形内数字为Kungisayak和Umit杂岩等花岗岩类侵入体的锆石U-Pb年龄(Ma)。Figure 4. Ore-metasomatic zoning(A)and formation model of theSayak deposits(B)
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