摘要: 通过地球表面清、新的构造地貌与现代水文网记录, 研究晚新生代年轻地壳构造运动。研究发现高原-山带-盆地排列有序形影相依的定式, 与现代水文网的演化相辅相成, 揭示高原边缘山带本质上就是高原边缘流水深切割的产物。论证了于晚中新世时期全球曾准平原化, 发育了全球统一的准平原, 散布全球不同高度的高原面、齐平山顶面与盆地底面时代相当可广泛对比。现代构造地貌演化始于导致晚中新世准平原面分裂解体的上新世以来, 同时证明晚新生代地壳构造运动属垂直拱曲块断差异升降构造运动, 仅在某些特定部位局部派生次级不同规模的引张构造变形和层间滑动薄皮挤压构造变形。现代水文网发育经历了上新世-早更新世属盆地向心水系伴以河湖相沉积, 以及中更新世以来串珠状水系与相关的河流相沉积, 两套地层呈假整合或不整合, 明确记录了晚新生代地壳构造运动进程的两个主要阶段。约近70~80万年的中更新世以来, 新一轮强烈的地壳的差异升降构造运动, 显著的改造了已有的格局。自俄罗斯远东山地, 经蒙古高原和青藏高原至印度西北阿拉瓦利山, 地球表面规模最雄伟的、分开太平洋水系与北冰洋水系的亚洲巨型分水岭的出现, 标志新兴的全球现代构造地貌与水文网的形成, 奠定了今日构造地貌与水文网的景观。研究表明, 大陆与大洋晚中新世全球统一准平原面一脉相承, 晚新生代地壳构造运动完全可以对比。深入系统研究年轻的晚新生代地壳构造运动不仅有实用价值, 同时也有重要的科学意义, 特别是为探究全球构造运动本质和地球动力学提供了一个新的视角。
- 晚新生代地壳构造运动 /
- 构造地貌 /
- 准平原面 /
- 高原-山带-盆地(平原)组合 /
- 拱曲隆升 /
- 块断差异升降运动
Abstract: This paper deals with late Cenozoic crustal tectonism by studying morphostructure and associated water system in a global scope.As young mountain belt is caused by deep dissection at the edge of a plateau, the keynote of complex morphostructure on Earth surface is actually made up of sequentially fixing arrangement of plateau-mountain-basin (P-M-B), with horst-like assemblage of B-M-P =P-M-B and step-like assemblage of P-M-B =P-M-B =P-M-B in different scales.It is found that the late Miocene planation surface preserved on the plateaus is comparable in age with the unconformity at the base of the Pliocene-early Pleistocene basins.Both imply the existence of a unified peneplain on the Earth surface until the latest Miocene.So the late Miocene peneplain substantially constrains the framework of the late Cenozoic crustal tectonism, and it is the late Cenozoic crustal tectonism that led to the breaking-up of the unified peneplain and brought about today' s morphostructure.From sedimentation, unconformity, and evolution of the water system, two evolutionary stages can be recognized for the late Cenozoic crustal tectonism, namely the Pliocene-early Pleistocene and middle Pleistocene-present.The paper also demonstrated the Asian mega-dividing.It extends from the mountain area of East Siberia in the northeast, passing through the Mongolian and Tibetan Plateaus, to the Aravalli Range in northwestern India to the southwest, and that divides water systems into the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Arctic Ocean, respectively.It has emerged since middle Pleistocene (0.78 Ma), indicating the forming time of the global morphostructure.Geological records related to deformation of broken peneplain fragments indicate that vertical arching movement with block faulting at differential elevation and subsidence is predominant.It is debated that extensional and compressive crustal tectonism can be induced only from vertical movements at some specific areas.Except local compression deformation, no any geological records show that the Pleistocene sediments experienced any processes related with regionally horizontal compression on a global scope.Recent crustal tectonism follows the same keynote. -
图 9 拱曲隆升伴以逆断块断抬升。美国怀俄明州落基山脉构造
Owl Creek山隆升, 伴以山前风河盆地边缘古近系—新近系逆断变形[16]。
Figure 9. Plateau uplift with reverse faulting on flank of the arching uplift
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