摘要: 为了探讨伊犁盆地南缘构造活动与铀成矿关系,通过采取砂岩型铀矿含矿层砂岩样品,利用磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学与U-Pb等时线定年的方法,对伊犁盆地南缘构造活动与砂岩型铀矿成矿年龄进行了研究。研究结果表明:①伊犁盆地南缘自中生代以来经历了三期强烈的隆升—剥蚀事件,三叠纪末—中侏罗世、晚侏罗世—早白垩世、中新世—现今,对应印支末期、燕山期与喜马拉雅期三期构造活动;②盆地南缘中—西段砂岩型铀矿成矿年龄可分为158~153 Ma、108~60.5 Ma、55~15 Ma,12~0.3 Ma四期,盆地东段铀成矿年龄比较新,为7.8~5.5 Ma之间;③盆地南缘构造活动时间与铀成矿年龄具有非常好的对应性,将伊犁盆地南缘铀成矿作用过程划分为三个阶段,物源区快速抬升—含矿建造形成期及铀的预富集阶段、主成矿阶段、后生叠加改造阶段。Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between the tectonic activity and uranium mineralization in the southern margin of Ili basin, the method of apatite fission track and U-Pb dating was used to ascertain the tectonic activity and metallogenic age of sandstone-type uranium deposits by adopting the sandstone sample of the ore bearing layer. The above research can draw some conclusions. Firstly, the southern margin of Ili basin experienced three periods of intense uplift and denudation, which were the late Indosinian tectonic activity from late Triassic to middle Jurassic, Yanshanian tectonic activity from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous and Himalayan period tectonic activity from Miocene to present respectively. Secondly, the metallogenic age of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the middle-west section of the southern margin of the basin can be divided into four stages: 158~153 Ma, 108~60.5 Ma, 55~15 Ma and 12~0.3 Ma, while the metallogenic age of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the east section was relatively new, ranging from 7.8 to 5.5 Ma. Thirdly, the tectonic activity and the metallogenic age of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the southern margin of the basin have a good correspondence. The process of uranium mineralization can be divided into three stages: rapid uplift of the source area-the formation stage of ore-bearing construction and the pre-enrichment stage of uranium, pre-enrichment, the primary mineralization and post-superimposition reconstruction stage.
图 1 伊犁盆地南缘铀矿地质图简图[8]
Figure 1. A brief geological map of uranium deposits in the southern margin of the Ili basin[8]
表 1 伊犁盆地南缘东段砂岩型铀矿含矿层砂岩中磷灰石裂变径迹分析数据一览表
Table 1. The table of apatite fission track analysis data in ore-bearing sandstone of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the southern margin area of the Ili basin
样品编号 取样位置 层位 岩性 颗粒数(n) ρd(Nd)/×106 cm-2 ρs(Ns) /×105 cm-2 ρi(Ni)/×106 cm-2 U/×10-6 P(χ2) /% 平均年龄/Ma(±1σ) 径迹平均长度(N)/μm Apf-30 苏阿苏沟 J1-2sh 灰白色细砂岩 27 1.013(2534) 0.435(84) 7.009(13527) 86.5 80.3 1.1±0.1 12.63±0.25(56) Apf-31 苏阿苏沟 J1-2sh 灰白色粗砂岩 24 1.003(2508) 5.243(1088) 0.861(1787) 10.7 0.3 117.7±7.1 11.77±0.15 Apf-33 达拉地 J1-2sh 黄色粗粒砂 25 0.982(2456) 7.420(1087) 0.915(1341) 11.7 28.9 139.0±7.5 12.39±0.14 注:测试在中科院高能物理研究所完成;当P(χ2)>5%时,取池年龄进行年龄数据解释;P(χ2) < 5%时,取平均年龄进行年龄数据解释。 表 2 伊犁盆地南缘典型砂岩型铀矿床铀成矿年代表
Table 2. Metallogenic ages of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the southern margin area of the Ili basin/Ma
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