摘要: 根据玉树地区的地应力场、速度场和断层展布, 对青海玉树2010年4月14日MS7.1级地震发震机理进行了数值模拟。将围岩看成弹性体, 断层看成具有应变软化的弹塑性体, 断层和围岩组成统一的地质介质系统。在地应力、孔隙压力及边界位移的作用下, 应力逐渐积累, 当达到断层摩擦破坏强度时, 断层产生应变软化, 断层突然滑动, 能量突然释放, 应力突然下降, 形成地震。模拟结果表明:玉树7.1级地震是在印度板块向北推挤, 青藏高原向东南侧向挤压, 在玉树地区形成主压应力为北东80°方向的水平应力场, 使甘孜-玉树断裂带产生左旋走滑错动形成的。计算结果给出了应力降、能量释放量、断层走滑错动量、地震复发周期、应力积累速度等重要参数, 模拟结果与野外调查资料具有较好的一致性。Abstract: In this paper, strain softening model is used to establish the modeling for Yushu MS7.1 earthquake. The results shows that Yushu MS7.1 earthquake occurred as a combination of northward compressing of the Indian Plate and southeastward compressing of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The stress drop, energy release amount, the magnitude of dislocation of fault, and earthquake recurrence intervals are given by the modeling. The modeling results show a good match with the geologic survey in the field.
图 5 地震时断层的突然走向滑动(监测点为图 8 a点)
Figure 5. Sudden sliding of faultwhen the earthquake happened
表 1 断层和围岩参数
Table 1. Parameters of fault and surroundings
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