摘要: 选取南秦岭汉阴北部金矿田内黄龙、长沟和金斗坡典型矿区为研究区,通过野外大比例尺构造-岩相填图、剖面实测、综合编图等工作,结合前人研究成果,查明了金矿田的控矿要素,并指出了有利的找矿勘探方向。综合研究表明,汉阴北部金矿田的矿化严格受控于志留系梅子垭组的不同岩性段;脆-韧性剪切带控制了矿床的空间分布,次级断层控制矿体产出的具体部位;S2面理对金矿化有显著的制约作用;促使石榴子石和黑云母变斑晶发育的热变质作用能够引起原始岩层中金元素发生活化,且热变质作用的晚期为退变质期,退变质期的适宜温度有利于金元素富集成矿。矿田内的金矿勘探应重点选在脆-韧性剪切带内,尤其针对不同岩性的接触面、次级断层面附近、石榴子石与黑云母变斑晶密集发育区周缘等区域,矿体追索方向应依照S2面理的空间优势展布方向。Abstract: Taking Huanglong, Changgou and Jindoupo gold ore areas located in Northern Hanyin ore field, Southern Qinling as the typical study area, through the large-scale tectonic lithofacies mapping, measuring geologic section and complex map compilation, the ore-controlling factors of this ore-field has eventually been acquired which would provide the directions of gold exploration based on previous research results. Comprehensive analysis shows that gold mineralization of this field is bound up with Silurian Meiziya Group stratum, and the brittle-plastic shear zone restricts the spatial distribution of gold deposits, and the locations of the ore bodies are decided by the secondary faults. S2 structural foliation obviously controls the gold mineralization, and the thermometamorphism which develops biotite and garnet porphyroblasts can cause the gold element to reactivate. And in the late stage it is the retrograde metamorphism period during which the temperature is very available for the form of gold deposits. Therefore the gold exploration in this area should be focus on the brittle-plastic shear zones in the future, especially the positions of those connection of different rock layer, the region near the secondary faults, and the scopes where biotite and garnet porphyroblasts massively appear. Meanwhile the direction of gold seeking should follow the main spatial distribution direction of S2 foliation.
表 1 典型金矿区矿体特征
Table 1. Characteristics of ore-bodies in the typical gold mine areas
矿区 矿体编号 矿体形态 矿体长度/m 矿体厚度/m 平均品位/10-6 矿体产状 主要矿石类型 金斗坡 K1 透镜状 500 1.00~2.97 1.30 280°—330°∠29°—43° 黑云母变斑晶绢云石英片岩含炭绢云石英片岩 K2 似层状 250 1.90~2.74 1.18 K3 似层状 250 1.90~3.95 1.13 黄龙 Ⅲ 似层状 150 1.00~6.31 5.60 5°—22°∠20°—55° 黑云母变斑晶绢云石英片岩含炭绢云石英片岩 Ⅳ 似层状 500 0.80~7.14 3.15 Ⅷ-1 似层状 200 0.97~1.84 4.01 长沟 K1 似层状 460 0.85~3.80 1.54 190°—220°∠35°—55° 黑云母变斑晶绢云石英片岩含炭绢云石英片岩夹变石英砂岩含金石英脉 K2 似层状 190 0.95~4.45 1.52 K4 似层状 1100 0.85~4.35 2.60 15°—35°∠40°—70° 注:部分资料据文献[10] 表 2 不同类型变质作用阶段划分及矿物生长序列[7]
Table 2. Dividing of different phases on metamorphism and the order of mineral development
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