摘要: 本文通过学习总结煤炭行业近200年来对煤瓦斯突出的研究成果和工作经验, 了解其具体的研究思路方法、研究历史发展过程、研究现状及存在的关键问题, 探讨采用地质力学理论方法进行煤瓦斯突出研究的可能性与可行性.Abstract: Based on the research results and practical experience in coal and gas outbursts in the coal industry over the last nearly 200 years, the authors have basically understood the research concept and method, development process of the research, present research state and existing key problems and explored the possibility and feasibility of using the theory and method of geomechanics to perform coal and gas outburst research and solve the problems.
表 1 世界各国煤瓦斯突出概况(据李建铭[2]、于不凡[4]等资料整编)
Table 1. Coal and gas outbursts in the world(data from Li Jianming[2], Yu Bufan[4] et al.)
表 2 中国煤瓦斯分区、分带及其煤瓦斯地质特征与背景
Table 2. Divisions of coal and gas outbursts and geological features and setting of coal and gas in China
表 3 中国不同地质时代的煤瓦斯区域分布特征
Table 3. Regional distribution features of coal and gas in different geological ages in China
表 4 中国煤层高瓦斯赋存及涌出量的区域分布
Table 4. Regional distribution of high gas accumulation and outbursts in coal layers in China
表 5 中国煤层低瓦斯赋存及低涌出量区域分布一览表
Table 5. Summary of regional distribution of low gas accumulation and outbursts in coal layers in China
表 6 我国构造控制煤瓦斯突出点的典型实例
Table 6. Typical cases of coal and gas outburst sites controlled by structure in China
表 7 煤瓦斯突出危险性评价综合指标
Table 7. Comprehensive indices of coal and gas outburst risk assessments
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