The method of tectonic sieving was developed by J.S. Lee(LI Si-guang) in 1942.It is to sort out tectonic structures of different phases from a complex of tectonic features of all phases,including formational and deformational ones.
The first and foremost step is to decide the time sequence of each phase of the structures.This paper systemetically gives the traditional geological methods and other lately developed methods(e.g. isotopic dating method,paleomagnetism method,remote sensing geology method,geochemical and geophycal methods,as well as the method of regional correlation) in determining the time sequence of the deformations.
In this paper the principles,methods and steps to discriminate the different phases of orsuperlarge compound deformations (e.g.compound orogenic belts,compound tectonic systems,compound blocks,compound tectonic domains,and the global compound tectonics) are also outlined.