摘要: 汶川特大地震发生后, 都江堰至汶川公路两旁次生地质灾害尤为严重, 先后多次完全中断震中交通生命线, 严重地影响了公路的安全运行和灾后重建。通过对汶川地震前后都江堰-汶川公路边坡现场调查资料对比分析, 研究了该地段边坡的主要次生地质灾害类型及其破坏模式、形成机制和时空分布特点。破坏类型主要为碎屑流式、碎裂滑移式崩塌和碎裂-俯冲式、振荡-高速滑移式泥石流等, 造成沿线边坡发生大面积浅表生改造破坏。此类灾害具有丛集性、相关性、分段性的明显特点。成因复杂的高陡岩土体是次生地质灾害的主要物质基础;强烈的场地地震效应和内外动力耦合作用是该地区地质灾害成生的主要因素。Abstract: The geological hazards induced by the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake along the Dujiangyan-Wenchuan Highway are especially severe and have seriously affected the safe riding along the highway and the reconstructions. In order to prevent and reduce disasters effectively, main geo-hazard type, slope failure modes and its formation mechanism, and the tempo-spitial distribution in the area have been studied on the basis of the field investigations and statistic analysis of available data. The main damage types include debris flow to collapse, cataclastic rocks to collapse, and shatter-subduction type mudslides, oscillation high-speed sliding debris flows along the slope area. Born transformation induced by such disasters have intensive, systematic and subsection characteristic. Thegeologic hazards have many types and are notably divided into sectors; the high and steep rock deposits of complex origin become the main materials of geological hazards; intense earthquake effect and coupling of endogenic and exogenic forces are important factors for formation and occurrence of geological hazards in the area.
表 1 次生地质灾害分布与地层岩性的关系
Table 1. Relation between geo-hazard distribution and formation lithology
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