摘要: 系统总结了应用井壁破坏信息计算水平最大地应力的基本原理,在此基础上,编制了水平最大地应力分析流程。具体实例分析表明,该方法理论依据扎实可靠,分析流程清晰明确,操作过程简便易行。建议在我国石油工业推广应用。Abstract: Fundamental principles on determination of horizontal maximum principal stress from wellbore damage information were summarized systematically. On the basis, analysis procedure for horizontal maximum principal stress was established. A field example was analyzed, and the procedure showed that the method had a reliable theoretical evidence, clear analysis procedure, and simple operation. The promotion of its application to petroleum industry in China is recommended.
表 1 X井6463.5 m及6531.5 m深度数据
Table 1. Data of 6463.5 m and 6531.5 m depths for the Well X
深度/m 输入数据 输出数据 孔隙压力/SG 岩石单轴抗压强度/MPa 垂直应力/SG 水平最小地应力/SG 液柱压力/SG 水平最大地应力/SG 6463.5 1.77 2.43 2.14 1.99 2.644~2.910 6531.5 1.78 50~60 2.44 2.15 1.92 2.605~2.729 -
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